-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE TGCN Special Issue on Edge Intelligence for Sustainable Smart Environments Datum: Tue, 23 Feb 2021 09:36:16 +0100 Von: Carlo Mastroianni carlo.mastroianni@ICAR.CNR.IT Antwort an: Carlo Mastroianni carlo.mastroianni@ICAR.CNR.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
**Apologies for cross postings
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking Special Issue on Edge Intelligence for Sustainable Smart Environments
https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tgcn/cfp/edge-intelligenc e-sustainable-smart-environments https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tgcn/cfp/edge-intelligence -sustainable-smart-environments
CALL FOR PAPERS ***************
Edge Computing is emerging due to the great availability of computational resources, mobile devices, sensors and actuators that are pervasively deployed and today amount to more than 7 billion interfaces with the network. It enables the pushing of computation to the edge of the network, away from data centers and close to people and data sources. Edge Intelligence derives from the convergence of Edge Computing with the smart exploitation of artificial intelligence methodologies and cognitive technologies, involving sensing/actuation, learning and reasoning on distributed data and Internet of Things devices.
A new generation of smart environments, empowered with Edge Intelligence capabilities, can assist the effective management of a modern society, by combining the development of advanced services able to satisfy user needs and preferences dynamically, with undelayable aspects like better exploitation of renewable energy sources, energy optimization, environment sustainability, people's safety, quality of life and comfort. Edge Intelligence helps service provisioning, computation and communications to become efficient, green and sustainable in different ways, among which: (i) Edge Intelligence can contribute to optimize data center usage and reduce the amount of data needing to traverse the network, leading to a reduction of energy consumption and carbon emissions; (ii) applications enriched by Edge Intelligence can satisfy user needs through a more sustainable use of environmental resources; (iii) based on predictions performed by Edge Intelligence algorithms, data and computation can be brought closer to the sites where green energy is available.
Edge Intelligence offers an unprecedented opportunity to offer cutting edge services to individuals and organizations and, at the same time, to contrast the continuous growth in the exchange of data and use of communication and network infrastructures. The energy consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions related to ICT technologies are estimated to amount, respectively, to 3% and 4% of the total, and these figures are being further increased by the Covid 19 pandemic. This Special Issue aims to be a valuable venue for novel and original research works in the field of Edge Intelligence and its exploitation for the design and development of sustainable and smart environments like smart cities and cognitive buildings.
- green communication and networking for edge intelligence
- edge intelligence in energy-efficient internet of things
- edge and fog computing for green smart environments
- mobile edge computing for green smart environments
- energy-efficient computation, communication, and caching at the edge
- energy-efficient coordination and orchestration of the intelligence at the edge - edge intelligence for energy-efficient resource management
- edge intelligence supported by green clouds and data centers
- sustainable continuum computing between the edge and the cloud
- simulation and analysis techniques for sustainable edge intelligence
- green and energy-efficient internet of things
- energy optimization for edge intelligence
- artificial intelligence and machine learning for sustainable smart systems
- green artificial intelligence for edge systems
- energy harvesting, storage, and recycling in sustainable smart systems
- deployment, management and maintenance of sustainable edge intelligent systems - edge intelligence for green and energy-efficient smart cities
- edge intelligence for green and energy-efficient smart buildings
- edge intelligence exploiting green mobile computing and 5G
- cyber security, data privacy and integrity in green edge systems
- securing the integrity of devices for sustainable edge systems
- use of blockchains in sustainable edge systems
- trusted and verifiable services for sustainable intelligent systems at the edge
- energy-efficient cognitive radio for satellite and terrestrial networking
Authors need to follow the manuscript format and an allowable number of pages described at the IEEE TGCN Information for Authors page:
https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tgcn/ieee-transactions-gr een-communications-and-networking-information https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tgcn/ieee-transactions-gre en-communications-and-networking-information
To submit a manuscript for consideration for the Special Issue, please visit the journal submission website at Manuscript Central
https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tgcn https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tgcn
Manuscript submission: 15 May 2021
First Review Results: 15 July 2021
Second Review Results: 31 August 2021
Publication: December 2021 (tentative)
Guest Editors:
Franco Cicirelli, ICAR-CNR, National Research Council of Italy, mailto:franco.cicirelli@icar.cnr.it franco.cicirelli@icar.cnr.it
Min Jia, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, mailto:jiamin@hit.edu.cn jiamin@hit.edu.cn
Sabita Maharjan, University of Oslo, Norway, mailto:sabita@ifi.uio.no sabita@ifi.uio.no
Carlo Mastroianni, ICAR-CNR, National Research Council of Italy, mailto:carlo.mastroianni@icar.cnr.it carlo.mastroianni@icar.cnr.it
Ian Taylor, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA and Cardiff University, UK, mailto:ian.j.taylor@nd.edu ian.j.taylor@nd.edu
Carlo Mastroianni
Via P. Bucci 8/9 C, 87036 Rende (CS)
Tel: +39 0984 493866
Cell: +39 328 0476390
E-mail: mailto:carlo.mastroianni@icar.cnr.it carlo.mastroianni@icar.cnr.it
Web: http://staff.icar.cnr.it/mastroianni http://staff.icar.cnr.it/mastroianni
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/