-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: Re: Call for Paper in ENSsys 2023 Datum: Wed, 6 Sep 2023 11:24:13 +0000 Von: Bader, Sebastian sebastian.bader@miun.se
Dear previous ENSsys submitters!
We would like to inform you that the submission deadline for this year’s ENSsys workshop has been extended until September 22.
You can find information about the event at www.enssys.org http://www.enssys.org and contributions are to be submitted through https://enssys2023.hotcrp.com https://enssys2023.hotcrp.com
The updated important dates are: - Submission deadline: Sept 22, 2023 (23.59 AoE) - Notification of acceptance: Oct 13, 2023 - Camera ready deadline: Oct 25, 2023 - Workshop: Nov 12, 2023
All the best, Sebastian, Bashima and Domenico
On 13 Jul 2023, at 22:29, Bader, Sebastian <Sebastian.Bader@miun.se mailto:Sebastian.Bader@miun.se> wrote:
Dear previous ENSsys submitters!
Sorry if you receive this information through multiple channels, but we thought you might be interested to hear that ENSsys will this year again be part of SenSys. The workshop will be held in advance to the regular SenSys programme on *November 12* in Turkiye, at Bahcesehir University https://www.bau.edu.tr/, Istanbul.
We are open to submissions of full papers (up to 6 pages), position papers (up to 3 pages), as well as demo and poster papers (up to 2 pages) through the following HotCRP page: https://enssys2023.hotcrp.com/ https://enssys2023.hotcrp.com/
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Power management concepts, algorithms and circuits for energy-harvesting sensing systems
- Hardware and software concepts, algorithms and circuits for intermittent computing
- Middleware and services supporting interoperability between zero-energy networks
- Resource management and operating system support for energy-harvesting sensing systems
- Network-wide distributed energy management (e.g. routing, adaptive duty cycling, etc.)
- Artificial intelligence for battery-free systems
- Communication in intermittent-power domain
- Online measurement of energy intake and consumption
- Predicting energy intake and consumption
- Ensuring reliable operation in energy-harvesting sensor systems
- Modeling, simulation and tools for effective design of future energy harvesting sensing systems
- Architectures and standards for energy-neutral, power-neutral or intermittent sensing systems
- Internet of (battery-less) things
- Experience with real-world deployments and innovative applications
Important dates:
- *Submission deadline: Sept 08, 2023 (23:59 AOE)*
- *Notification of acceptance: Oct 6, 2023*
- *Camera ready deadline: Oct 20, 2023*
- *Workshop: Nov 12, 2023*
More information can be found in the attached CfP document and on the workshop website at www.enssys.org http://www.enssys.org/
We are looking forward to your submissions!
Sebastian Bader and Bashima Islam, General chairs
Domenico Balsamo, TPC chair