-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: IWSN'2012 in conjunction with DCOSS 2012 Datum: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 09:39:48 +0100 Von: Abdelouahid Derhab d.ouahid@gmail.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu, ahsntc-mailing-list@list.trlab.ca, tinyos@millennium.berkeley.edu, mycolleagues@mailman.ufsc.br, distributed-computing-announce@datasys.cs.iit.edu, asr-forum@cines.fr Kopie (CC): djamel djenouri djenouri@gmail.com
Third International Workshop on Interconnections of Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN’12)
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The Third International Workshop on Interconnections of Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN’12) In conjunction with the 8th IEEE/ACM DCOSS 2011, 16-18 May 2012, Hangzhou, China URL: http://iwsn2012.gforge.uni.lu/
*General Co-Chairs*
- Djamel Djenouri, CERIST Research Centre, Algiers, Algeria. Email: ddjenouri@mail.cerist.dz. URL: http://djenouri.googlepages.com
- Abdelouahid Derhab, CERIST Research Centre, Algiers, Algeria. Email: aderhab@mail.cerist.dz. URL: http://abdelouahid.derhab.googlepages.com
- Jianguo Ding, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Email: jianguo.ding@ieee.org. URL: http://www.iet.ntnu.no/~jgding/
*Subject of the Workshop*
We lately witness a tremendous development in the wireless sensor networking (WSN), which makes it possible to monitor, unobtrusively and for long periods of time, the physical environment. Ensuring high connectivity within the network is vital for real applications. Moreover, for many applications, sensor networks cannot operate in complete isolation. There must be a way enabling a monitoring entity or some end-users to gain access to the data produced by the sensor network, and even to interact with a particular sensor mote to activate/deactivate it, read the sensed values instantaneously, fix some inner parameters, make dynamic code loading into the mote, etc. By connecting the sensor network to an existing network infrastructure such as a local-area network, a private intranet, mobile network infrastructures, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and notably the global internet, gaining remote access to the sensor network would be straightforward.
The integration of RFID and WSN is one of the most promising technologies that will play an important role in the emergence of Internet of the Things (IoT). For example, in a healthcare application, RFID tags can be used to track the elders, whereas the sensors are used to monitor the elders’ conditions. However, many questions need answers, and many challenges must be tackled before such interconnection becomes effective. Suitability of IP standards must be investigated, as well as the connection architecture. By openly connect a sensor network to other networks, doors will be opened to new vulnerabilities. An intruder would not need to gain physical access to the network anymore, but he might remotely launch attacks. Security is thus a very important aspect that must be considered. Routing, QoS, and interoperability are also important and challenging issues in the new heterogeneous systems.
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is an emerging paradigm that transmits events captured by low-end machines such as sensors and smart meters, to high-end applications that translate the captured events into meaningful information. Data generally flows from a machine over a wired, wireless, or hybrid network and then through a gateway to a system where it can be automatically reviewed and actions may be taken without any interaction from an operator. M2M is used in a wide range of applications such as remote e-healthcare, smart homes, utility management, and industrial automation.
Connecting different WSNs/part of a WSN is another issue that needs to be considered. A WSN might get partitioned into distinct segments due to battery exhaustion of sensors. Providing mechanisms to restore connectivity by connecting those segments is of high importance, where an isolated segment of sensor nodes that cannot reach its sink can exploit the existence of a neighboring reachable WSN to deliver its sensed information.
This workshop is a forum for researchers, academics, and industrials to debate the different issues related to the interconnection of wireless sensor networks, and discuss relevant theoretical and practical solutions.
Topics of the workshop consist of all aspects related to WSN, with more focus on the interconnection and integration of WSN to other networks, as well as connectivity issues in WSNs. They include but are not limited to:
- Interconnection architecture aspects - Connectivity, deployment, and relocation issues in WSNs - Interconnection/Integration of WSN and RFID - M2M communications - IPv6/6LoWPAN in WSN - Interconnecting sensor and actor networks - Interconnecting WSN and fixed network - Interconnecting WSN and mobile network (e.g., GSM, UAV; etc.) - Interconnecting onboard vehicular sensors and fixed infrastructure (V2I) - Integration of Body area networks to WLAN and beyond - Testdeds for integrated networks - Security issues for interconnecting WSN and other networks. - Fault-tolerance and dependability for interconnecting WSN and other networks. - Quality of Service (QoS) issues for interconnecting WSN and other networks. - Network, transport, and middleware protocols for interconnecting WSN and other networks. - Integrated applications and services for cross networks - In-network processing and aggregation for interconnecting WSN and other networks. - Location, synchronization and time services for interconnecting WSN and other networks. - Integration of sensor networks and web-based services
*Submission guidelines and policy * Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. Papers are restricted to a maximum length of 6 pages, including text, figures, and references. All papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted and registered papers will appear in the conference proceedings. At least one author of accepted papers is required to register and attend the workshop to present the paper. Papers should be prepared using the standard IEEE camera-ready template, and submitted in pdf format. Papers should be submitted through easy chair system: *http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iwsn12*
*Important Dates* Paper submission deadline: March 01, 2012 Author notification: April 01, 2012 Camera-ready papers and author registration: April 30, 2012
*TPC members* Monica Aguilar Igartua, UPC, Barcelona, Spain Antoine Bagula, Cape Town University, South Africa Jose Maria Barcelo, UPC, Barcelona, Spain Luca Caviglione, National Research Council (CNR), Italy Abdelouahid Derhab, CERIST, Algiers, Algeria Jianguo Ding, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Djamel Djenouri, CERIST, Algiers, Algeria Kalman Graffi, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Richard Holzer, Passau University, Germany Michel Hurfin, INRIA, France Shanshan Jiang, SINTEF, Norway Anne Kayem, Cape Town University, South Africa Thomas Lagkas, University of Western Macedonia, Greece Achour Mostefaoui, University of Rennes 1, France Xinhui Wang, NTNU, Norway Mohamed Younis, University of Maryland, USA Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway