Von: Shibo He <shibohe.cn@GMAIL.COM>
Gesendet: 3. Februar 2014 18:39:08 MEZ
An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: Computer Communications Special issue on Mobile Social Sensing

*Call for Papers:**Computer Communications*
*Special issue on **Mobile Ubiquitous** Sensing: from Social Network


The emergence of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has opened up a new
door to information retrieving and built up a bridge between the physical
world and information domain. A major factor that impedes the applicability
of sensor networks is the huge deployment cost and management overhead. The
past few years have witnessed the dramatic proliferation of portable
such as smart phones and tablet computers. Notably, these popular
pocket-sized gadgets are embedded with a set of versatilesensors, which
could provide abundant data about individuals, human society and
environments. This new mobile sensor network formed by mobile devices
provides a new horizon for ubiquitous sensing at a low cost.

Under the new paradigm of mobile ubiquitous sensing, each mobile device
is held by an individual. The underlying social tie among individuals will
play an important role in the mobile sensing process. It is, therefore, of
great interest to study the mobileubiquitous sensing from the perspective
of social networks. This issue has not received much attention though the
traditional way of ubiquitous sensing has, instead, been extensively

Topics of primary interest include, but not limited to:

l System/platform designs to enable mobile sensing

l Incentives mechanism design to guarantee the coverage, i.e., quality of

l Social structure modeling and analysis

l Coverage improvement design via social structure

l Individual behavior modeling and analysis

l Architectural, modeling and simulation of mobile ubiquitous sensing

l New applications on ubiquitous sensing

l Energy-efficient and real-time communication protocols design

l Privacy and security preserving protocol design for mobile sensing

*Tentative Schedule*

Manuscript Due: March 31, 2014

First Notification: July 31, 2014

Revised version: October 1st, 2014

Final notification: Nov. 15, 2014

Publication Date: 1st quarter of 2015 (tentative).

Prospective authors can find the submission guidelines at
http://ees.elsevier.com/comcom. To ensure that all manuscripts are
correctly identified for inclusion into the Special Issue, the authors have
to select "Special Issue: Mobile social sensing" when they reach the
"Article Type" step in the submission process.

*Guest Editor*

*Jiming Chen (corresponding editor)*

Zhejiang University (E-mail: jmchen@ieee.org)

*Shibo He*

Arizona state university (Email: shibohe@ieee.org)

*Enrico Natalizio* <https://www.hds.utc.fr/~enataliz/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=>

Université de Technologie de Compiègne (Email: enrico.natalizio@hds.utc.fr)

*Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini*

Politecnico di Torino <http://www.polito.it/> (Email: chiasserini@polito.it

IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.