Call for papers
The Fourth International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and middlewaRE (COMSWARE 2009)
Dublin, Ireland - 15th-19th June 2009
The Fourth International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (COMSWARE) will be held from June 15th to June 19th, 2009 at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. The conference will focus on the state of the art in the design, implementation and use of communication systems software and middleware systems, ranging from traditional telecommunication systems to mobile computing, multimedia systems, peer-to-peer networks and Internet services. The areas of interest will also include the interoperation, integration, connectivity and management of communication systems software and middleware systems. The COMSWARE conference is the premier international forum for researchers, business leaders, educators and practitioners to present and discuss the performance of current systems, in conjunction with the current trends and potential concerns in the field of communication systems software and middleware systems. The conference will feature a high quality technical program consisting of invited speakers, regular papers, short papers, industrial papers, posters and workshops.
Topic areas The specific topics of the conference include, but are not limited to: • Innovative architectures for Internet services, Web services, service computing, and cloud computing • Security, reliability, and quality of service in communication networks, protocols, middleware, applications, and Internet services • Methods and tools for designing and evaluating software and middleware communication systems • Large-scale system integration, software evolution, software engineering methodologies, and requirements engineering for software and middleware communication systems, and Internet services • Wireless and mobile networking, wireless operating systems, mobile platforms and embedded systems • Communication systems architecture, design, development methodologies, and business models • Middleware for ubiquitous, pervasive and mobile computing, embedded systems, peer-to-peer systems and applications • Middleware for event processing, event-based systems, publish/subscribe and messaging middleware • Case studies of specification, design, and use of software and middleware communication systems • Innovations in operations and management of large networks and large-scale enterprise systems
Submission guidelines All papers must represent original and unpublished work that is not currently under review. Each paper will be reviewed by independent referees. Papers will be evaluated according to their significance, originality, technical content, style, clarity, and relevance to the conference. At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to attend the conference. Two types of paper submissions will be accepted:
Research papers - full research papers (max. 10 pages), which must describe new results that advance the state-of-the-art in basic and applied research or short papers (max. 6 pages) presenting work-in-progress.
Industry papers (max. 10 pages) - describing the designing, production, deployment, evaluation, and practical experiences for a software or middleware system.
The conference proceedings will be published as part of the ACM International Proceedings series and will be disseminated through the ACM Digital Library. The required format for the submission is the ACM SIG Proceedings Style (http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). More detailed submission instructions are posted at the conference web site.
Important Dates
Paper submission - Thursday, February 12th 2009 Author notification - Thursday, April 9th 2009 Manuscripts due - Thursday, May 14th 2009
Conference committee:
General Co-Chairs - Jan Bosch, Intuit Inc, California, USA; Siobhán Clarke, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Technical Program Co-Chairs - Juha Savolainen, Nokia Ltd., Finland; Hans-Arno Jacobsen, University of Toronto, Canada Steering Committee Chair - Imrich Chlamtac, University of Trento, Italy Industry Track Chair - Sten Minor, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications, Sweden Workshop Chairs - Lidia Fuentes, Malaga University, Spain; Hassnaa Moustafa, France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs), France Panel Chairs - Sasu Tarkoma, University of Helsinki, Finland
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