Call for Submissions
Beijing Hotel, Beijing, China
October 19-24, 2009
General Chairs
Wen Gao, Peking University, China
Yong Rui, Microsoft, China
Alan Hanjalic, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
cordially invite you to participate in this premier annual event on multimedia research, technology and art. The conference will have an excellent technical program, and will be surrounded by a multimedia art exhibition and a number of outstanding state-of-the-art tutorials and workshops. Special highlights will include an extended and carefully designed program of panel discussions, and the new concept of Multimedia Grand Challengethat we introduce in 2009 as a part of the conference program.
The technical program will consist of the oral/poster sessions and invited talks with topics of interest in:
(a) Multimedia content analysis, processing, and retrieval
(b) Multimedia networking, sensor networks, and systems support
(c) Multimedia tools, end-systems, and applications
(d) Human-Centered Multimedia
Full papers are solicited to be presented in oral sessions, while short papers will be presented as posters in an interactive setting.
Important Dates for Full and Short Papers:
April 10, 2009 Full Paper Registration (Abstract Submission) Deadline
April 17, 2009 Full Paper Submission Deadline
May 8, 2009 Short Paper Submission Deadline
July 3, 2009 Notification of Acceptance
July 24, 2009 Camera-ready Submission Deadline
In addition to full and short papers, submissions are also solicited for the conference events listed below. The submission guidelines for each of the conference events can be found on
Panels will consist of discussions on timely and controversial topics.
Tutorials will address the state-of-the-art developments regarding all aspects of multimedia, and will be of interest to the entire multimedia community, from novices in the world of multimedia to the most seasoned researchers, from people working in academia to industry professionals.
Workshops will address focused topics pertinent to the main conference that demand dedicated coverage due to their relevance to the current multimedia research and development.
Open Source Competition 2009 will be the sixth edition of this successful competition emphasizing the impact the ACM Multimedia conference aims to achieve on multimedia practice.
Brave New Topics track is a special sessions track containing papers extending the boundaries of multimedia research.
Technical Demos will show what is currently possible regarding all aspects of multimedia technology and its applications.
Video Program allows researchers and artists to demonstrate their tools, systems or applications without having to bring the equipment for a "live" demo.
Interactive Art Program will include long and short papers describing interactive multimedia art works, tools, applications, and technical approaches for creative uses of multimedia content and technology. It will also include an art exhibition.
NEW in 2009: Multimedia Grand Challenge is a set of challenges from various industry leaders, geared to engage the multimedia research community in solving relevant, interesting and challenging questions about the industry's 2-5 year horizon.
Doctoral Symposium is an opportunity for students involved in the preparation of a PhD to interactively discuss their research issues and ideas with senior researchers, and receive constructive feedback from members of the research community.