Von: Rute Sofia <rute.sofia@ULUSOFONA.PT>
Gesendet: 19. März 2014 13:04:32 MEZ
An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: IEEE Communications Magazine, User-centric Networking and Services Series - NEW submission deadline: March 31st 2014
/(Apologies for eventual mail duplicates)
*/IEEE Communications Magazine, User-centric Networking and Services/*
/User-centric networks (UCNs)/ are a recent architectural trend of
self-organizing, autonomic networks where the Internet end-user
cooperates by sharing network services and resources. UCNs are
spontaneous and grassroots deployments of wireless architectures (e.g.,
ad-hoc or infrastructure), often involving low-cost deployment.
Furthermore, users in such environments tend to roam frequently. In such
roaming environments, users carry equipment that plays an active role in
terms of topology changes (e.g., an LTE phone which is sharing Internet
access to other surrounding devices, may become active or inactive
without operator control). Common to user-centric environments is a
social behaviour that heavily impacts network operation from an
end-to-end perspective, and on the different layers of the OSI stack.
UCNs empower the end-user as a new Internet stakeholder and not just as
a consumer and producer of content. User-centric networking technologies
can be applied to a wide range of scenarios, encompassing: i) sharing
subscribed broadband Internet access; ii) providing support for better
Internet connectivity; iii) allowing the use of communication services
even in the absence of reliable Internet access; iv) assisting
networking services based on user involvement for the detection and
repair of communication problems.
The new role of an empowered end-user is disruptive in several aspects,
namely: i) in the end-to-end Internet paradigm, end-user devices will
actively participate as a network element in addition to being an
endpoint host; ii) network boundaries of trust will need to be extended
in a way that should mimic social
behavior; and iii) end-user devices
should be capable of handling intermittent Internet connectivity as well
as fast and transparent roaming between micro-operators. There is also
the need to further understand wholesale models incorporating UCNs, as
well as to understand the impact of UCNs in the context of standardization.
This special issue is accepting papers on the topics including, but not
limited to, the following:
* To promote unprecedented approaches and techniques in
participatory and opportunistic data collection, communication,
analysis, and visualization;
* To identify open issues which remain a challenge towards the
convergence of information and communication technologies, privacy
protection methods, social and psychological theories in MCS;
* To exploit novel application areas and demonstrate the benefits of
MCS in contrast with more
traditional static sensing approaches.
*Topics may include (but are not limited to):*
* Community detection and social interaction
* Dynamic trust management models
* Cooperation incentive models
* Distributed mobility management
* Human behavior and mobility prediction
* Virtual currency architectures and models
* Resource management in spontaneous environments
* Cooperative networking
* Market impact and analysis of UCN integration
* Standardization aspects in regards to UCN topics such as user
liability, authentication, and highly efficient WLANs.
* *Deadline for Manuscript Submission:* March 1, 2014 *March* 15th,
2014, March 31st 2014
* *Author Notification:* April 1st 2014 *April 15th*, 2014, April
30th 2014
* *Final Manuscript Due:* July 1st, 2014
*Publication Date:* September 2014
Rute Sofia, COPELABS/University Lusofona, rute.sofia@ulusofona.pt
Alessandro Bogliolo, University of Urbino, alessandro.bogliolo@uniurb.it
Huiling Zhu, University of Kent, h.zhu@kent.ac.uk <mailto:h.zhu@kent.ac.uk>
Fikret Sivrikaya, Technical University of Berlin,
fikret.sivrikaya@dai-labor.de <mailto:fikret.sivrikaya@dai-labor.de>
Olivier Marce, Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs, France,
Olivier.Marce@alcatel-lucent.fr <mailto:Olivier.Marce@alcatel-lucent.fr>
David Valerdi, Fon Wireless, Ltd., david.valerdi@fon.com
Best Regards/Melhores Cumprimentos/mit freundlichen Gruessen,
Rute Sofia
COPELABS - Association for the Research and Development of Cognition and People-centric Computing
IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.