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Von: Michael Kirsche <michael.kirsche@B-TU.DE>
Datum: 26. Mai 2018 um 12:07:09 MESZ
Betreff: Call for Contributions to the OMNeT++ Hackathon (in conjunction with the 5th OMNeT++ Community Summit)
Antwort an: "Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 \"Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme\"" <KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE>

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                   5th OMNeT++ Community Summit 2018

                       University of Pisa, Italy
                       – September 05-07, 2018 -


         *****  Hackathon Proposals August 01st, 2018  *****

The OMNeT++ Community Summit is an open meeting with time and space
for tutorials, discussions, coding sessions as well as presentations
on recent developments and novel ideas in the broad area of modeling
and simulation, with a focus on the OMNeT++ simulation framework.
The OMNeT++ summit unites users, developers, and researchers to
discuss applications, developments, and ideas on the topics of
integrating simulation models, coupling different simulation tools
and providing more accurate and more efficient modeling approaches
and simulation models.

This year's OMNeT++ Community Summit includes a “hackathon” for the
first time in the history of OMNeT++-related events. The hackathon
gives developers of simulation models and frameworks the opportunity
to propose working topics and projects and to directly consult and
team-up with the OMNeT++ core developer team at the hackathon.

Exemplary topics for hackathon projects could be:
- hands-on problem solving (e.g., improving scalability);
- introducing regression tests (i.e., fingerprint testing);
- set up continuous integration (e.g. Travis);
- add "project features" support if needed (for large projects);
- improving certain aspects of existing simulation models;
- add visualization (e.g., using figures, layers, 3D visualization);
- make use of INET features or porting to INET 4.0 in general;
- improving interoperability with other frameworks;
- discuss the practice of simulation result collection and analysis;
- discussion of interoperability and OMNeT++ development roadmaps.

The organizing team will select topics for the first hackathon based
on prior written proposals.

We invite researchers and users alike to submit their proposal for
a hackathon project via e-mail to the organizers:

The deadline for proposal submissions is August 01st, 2018.

Participants can freely attend the OMNeT++ Community Summit.
No registration fees will not be applied.

- Hackathon Proposal Submission:        August 01, 2018
- Hackathon Date:                       September 05-06, 2018
- Summit Date:                          September 06-07, 2018

- Local Summit Organizers:
  + Antonio Virdis (University of Pisa, Italy)
  + Giovanni Nardini (University of Pisa, Italy)

- Technical Program Organizers
  + Anna Förster (University of Bremen, Germany)
  + Asanga Udugama (University of Bremen, Germany)

- Hackathon Organizers
  + Vladimir Vesely (Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic)
  + Carlo Vallati (University of Pisa, Italy)

- Publicity Organizers
  + Kyeong Soo Kim (Xi'an Jiaotong–Liverpool University, China)
  + Michael Kirsche (BTU Cottbus–Senftenberg, Germany)