-------- Original Message -------- Subject: CFP: NetGames 2003 Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2003 08:11:27 -0500 From: Sugih Jamin jamin@eecs.umich.edu Reply-To: jamin@eecs.umich.edu To: itc@comsoc.org
May 22-23, 2003 at Electronic Arts Headquarters, Redwood City, California.
We invite papers about multi-player games, whether on network protocols to support gaming, architecture of infrastructural support for multi-player games, or game designs to accommodate network vagaries. We welcome submissions on multi-player games for the PCs, game consoles, or mobile devices.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Multi-player game architectures and platforms Prevention and detection of cheating Games on mobile and resource-scarce devices AI and techniques for latency hiding Modeling, usage studies, and characterization Enabling protocols for networked games Systems support for authentication and accounting
Extended abstracts of technical papers, work-in-progress reports, position statements, and full-length papers of 5 to 12 pages (single-spaced, double column, 11pt font) should be submitted in PDF or postscript format (at http://confman.eecs.umich.edu/netgames2003/) according to the timetable below.
Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings and authors are expected to actively participate at the workshop. Electronic Arts will host a social event on the 22nd and will demo some of its popular games during the workshop. There will also be door prizes of various games.
The best paper will be awarded an XBox game machine courtesy of Microsoft Corp.
Abstract submission: March 7, 2003 Full-paper submission: March 14, 2003 (Abstract of full-papers must be submitted by the earlier deadline) Notification: April 21, 2003 Final manuscript due: May 5, 2003
Program Committee:
Sugih Jamin, University of Michigan (Chair) Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Institute of Technology Grenville Armitage, Swinburne University of Technology John Buchanan, Electronic Arts Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge Christophe Diot, Sprintlabs Wu-chang Feng, Oregon Health and Science University Carsten Griwodz, University of Oslo Jim Kurose, University of Massachusetts at Amherst John Laird, University of Michigan Brian Neil Levine, University of Massachusetts at Amherst Martin Mauve, University of Mannheim Hiroyuki Morikawa, University of Tokyo Dan Rubenstein, Columbia University Srinivasan Seshan, Carnegie Mellon University Wilson Yuen, City University of Hong Kong Lars Wolf, TU Braunschweig
Sponsors: Electronic Arts Inc., Microsoft Corp.