-------- Original Message -------- Subject: ACF-Members: CFP: MUCS 2006 Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 14:56:15 -0000 From: David Lewis dave.lewis@cs.tcd.ie Reply-To: Dave.Lewis@cs.tcd.ie Organization: TCD To: acf-members@autonomic-communication-forum.org CC: dave.lewis@cs.tcd.ie
3rd International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Services ======================================================================== ====
Autonomic Pervasive Computing & Communications In cooperation with Pervasive 2006
Venue: National Maritime College, Cork Institute of Technology, Cork, Ireland Date: May 4th and 5th 20
CALL FOR PAPERS --------------- Ubiquitous and Pervasive Communications, as evidenced in pervasive computing and smart space applications present significant management challenges for successful delivery of highly adaptive services across heterogeneous networks, middleware, applications and devices. Today’s management systems are unable to cope with the complexity, heterogeneity and automation required by the pervasive computing vision. New paradigms, models and technology need to be developed to allow computer systems manage themselves in accordance with high-level guidance from humans. This workshop seeks to explore the theoretic, technological and organizational challenges in managing ubiquitous communications and application services.
The workshop provides a single-track scientific programme containing a blend of keynote presentations from leaders in the research of communications and services management systems, peer-reviewed papers and a small selection of invited presentations. The goal of the workshop is to investigate the state of the art in managing ubiquitous communications and services from a broad perspective. Submissions are invited for original, and previously unpublished research in all aspects of management techniques in ubiquitous communications, including:
• Context Aware Self Management and Self Configuration Management • Policy Based Management • Autonomic Communication Management • Wireless and Fixed Network Integrated Management • Management of Smart Spaces and Applications (Smart Home/Office) • Adaptive Service and Network Management • Security, Privacy, and Trust Management in Ubiquitous Communications • Management and Control of Mobile Ad-hoc and Wireless Sensor Networks • Content Oriented Network & Service Management • Distributed Self Management & Collaborative Governance • Context Identification, Retrieval, Prediction and Management • Service and Network Management for Optimised Personalisation • Managing Collaborative Ubicomp Applications • Provisioning and Maintenance of Quality of Service in Ubicomp environments • Knowledge Representation Techniques and Ontologies for Distributed Management Services • User Interaction with Self-Managing UbiComp Systems
Workshop Chair: Dirk Pesch, CIT, IRL
Scientific Programme Committee: Nazim Agoulmine, Uni d’Evry, FR Owen Conlan, TCD, IRL Kieran Delaney, CIT, IRL Simon Dobson, UCD-Dublin, IRL William Donnelly, WIT, IRL Brendan Jennings, WIT, IRL Martin Klepal, CIT, IRL David Lewis, TCD, IRL Ryusuke Masuoka Kevin Curran, UU, UK Mícheál Ó Foghlú, WIT, IRL Fergus O'Reilly, CIT, IRL Declan O'Sullivan, TCD, IRL Tom Pfeifer, WIT, IRL Roy Sterritt, UU, UK Michael Smirnov, FOKUS, GER Morris Sloman, Imperial College, UK John Strassner, Motorola, USA Sven van der Meer, WIT, IRL Vincent Wade, TCD, IRL Yacine Ghamri-Doudane, IIE-CNAM, FR Hani Hagras
Important dates: ================ Submission deadline: February 1st, 2006 (new date) Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 2006 Final manuscript due: March 31st, 2006 Workshop: May 4th and 5th 2006
Papers should be emailed to: MUCS2006@cit.ie
Papers should be in Springer Verlag LNCS format and be no longer that 10 pages in length
-------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. David Lewis Knowledge and Data Engineering Group Dave.Lewis@cs.tcd.ie Department of Computer Science +353 1 608 2158 Trinity College, Dublin
http://www.cs.tcd.ie/Dave.Lewis/ --------------------------------------------------------------
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