Von: "IEEE ComSoc Meetings" <noreply@comsoc.org>
Datum: 1. November 2013 21:31:28 MEZ
An: <wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de>
Betreff: IEEE WCNC 2014 CFP Workshops
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CALL FOR WORKSHOP PAPERSThe IEEE WCNC 2014 program includes the following full-day workshops to be presented on Sunday April 6, 2014.W1 - Wireless Evolution Beyond 2020W2 - IoT Communications and TechnologiesW3 - Device-to-Device and Public Safety Communications (WDPC)W4 - Self-Organizing Networks (SONETs)W5 - Cloud Technologies and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communication Networks (CLEEN)W6 - Interference and Design Issues for Future Heterogeneous NetworksPaper submittal deadline has been extended to SundayNovember 10 , 2013.Go to http://wcnc2014.ieee-wcnc.org/workshop-cfp for descriptions of the workshops, individual call for papers and submission instructionsIMPORTANT DATES:
Workshop Papers Due
November 10, 2013Registration to Open
Mid-December 2013
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