-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht -------- Von: "Dr. R. Venkatesha Prasad" rvprasad@GMAIL.COM Gesendet: Fri Dec 27 07:07:07 MEZ 2013 An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG Betreff: MobiHoc 2014 - Call for Papers
We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this CFP. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *CALL FOR PAPERS* *MobiHoc 2014* *The 15th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing* *August 25-28, 2014*
*Philadelphia, USA * *http://www.sigmobile.org/mobihoc/2014/ http://www.sigmobile.org/mobihoc/2014/*
Important Dates: ------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract: January 10, 2014Paper Submission: January 17, 2014Notification: June 1, 2014 Camera Ready: June 18th, 2014
ACM MobiHoc is the premier international symposium dedicated to addressing the challenges emerging from wireless networking and computing. With its highly selective technical program, the symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners from a broad spectrum of wireless networking research to present the most up -to-date results and achievements in the field.
We invite paper submissions on fundamental contributions to a broad variety of issues related to wireless networking and computing. Theoretical contributions which enhance design and analysis are welcome as well as development and application of state-of-the-art, broadly applicable analytic and measurement-based techniques. Topics addressed can include, but are not limited to, mobile networks, wireless sensor networks, wireless mesh networks, vehicular networks, ad hoc computing systems, social networks, cognitive radio, white-space networking, with the main focus on the issues at and above the MAC layer. Physical layer papers that address cross-layer networking issues are also welcome.
- Applications and middleware support - Cognitive radio networks - Cross-layer design and control - Distributed sensing, actuation, control, and coordination - Energy efficiency - Functional computation and data aggregation - Location discovery - Measurements from experimental systems - Mobile social networks and self-organization - Modeling and performance analysis - Network resilience, fault-tolerance, and reliability - Network coding - Opportunistic and delay-tolerant networks - Performance-oriented applications of game theory, economics, machine learning, control theory, and signal processing - Scaling laws and fundamental limits - Software-defined networks - System design and testbeds - Trust, security, and privacy - Transport, network, and MAC protocols - Vehicular networks - White-space networking
The symposium encourages the submission of foundational studies, including theoretical explorations, as well as novel architectures and protocols that identify new challenges in the network design, innovative services and applications that may stimulate further research in times to come. The symposium will feature a *Best Paper Award*. Paper Submission Guidelines All submissions will be handled electronically and must be in PDF format. Paper submissions for regular papers must be limited to 10 pages (US letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures, and references. The font size must be at least 10 points. Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings. All submitted papers will be judged on their quality through double-blind reviewing where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. Authors' names must *not* appear in the paper or in the PDF file. Submitted papers must not be currently under review for any other publication. Before submitting your paper, please check the description of the conference scope. Instructions on paper submission are available at the conference webpage. Note that the margin must be 1 inch on all sides.
Submit your papers at http://edas.info/N15971.
Please direct any questions about the paper submission process to the Program Co-Chairs. Committees: ------------------------------------------------------------- *General Chair*Jie Wu, Temple University *Vice General Chair*Xiuzhen Cheng, George Washington University *Program Co-Chairs*Xiangyang Li, Illinois Institute of Technology Sasawti Sarkar, University of Pennsylvania *Workshop Co-Chairs*I-Hong Hou, Texas A&M University Srinivas Shakkottai, Texas A&M University *Panel Chair*Ness B. Shroff, The Ohio State University *Poster Chair*Marco Gruteser, Rutgers University *Demo Chair*Mooi-Choo Chuah, Lehigh University *Local Arrangements and EDAS Co-Chairs*Shaojie Tang, Temple University Yu Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte *Webmaster*Robert Kline, West Chester University *Publication Chair*Yingying Chen, Stevens Institute of Technology *Registration Chair and Treasurer*Zhen Jiang, West Chester University *Publicity Chairs*Yunhao Liu, Tsinghua University, P. R. China Venkatesha Prasad, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Paolo Santi, IIT, CNR, Italy Avinash Srinivasan, George Mason University *Student Travel Grants Chair*Feng Li, IUPUI Steering Committee P. R. Kumar (Chair), Texas A&M University Mario Gerla, University of California Los Angeles Jean-Pierre Hubaux, EPFL Joseph Macker, Naval Research Lab Sergio Palazzo, University of Catania Charles Perkins, WiChorus Martha Steenstrup, Clemson University and Stow Research L.L.C
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Association for Computing Machinery Advancing Computing as a Science and Profession (c) 2013 ACM, Inc. All rights reserved. -----------------------------------------------------