Human-Computer Confluence Research Challenges May 14-15, 2012, Vienna, Austria
HCI research over three decades has shaped a wide spanning research area at the boundaries of computer science and behavioral science, with an impressive outreach to how humankind is experiencing information and communication technologies in literally every breath of an individuals life.
The explosive growth of networks and communications, and at the same time radical miniaturization of ICT electronics have reversed the principles of human computer interaction. Up until now considered as the interaction concerns when humans approach ICT systems, more recent observations see systems approaching humans at the same time. Humans and ICT Systems apparently approach each other confluently.
Human Computer Confluence has been mentioned to become a research priority in "Horizon 2020" (2013-2020), the funding programme of the European Commission that follows after the 7th Framework Programme (FP7, 2007-2013).
HC2 VISIONS is a research agenda solicitation action (FP7 FET Project HC2) which may or may not be influential to the FET work programme discussion on new directions in human computer confluence. The HC2 VISIONS workshop invites key experts to pose initial research challenge statements articulated by the scientific community in a crowd sourced solicitation attempt. The goals of the workshop are to shape research challenge statements indicating (i) vision, (ii) research approach and (iii) expected impact of prospective research issues by world leading experts in the field. HC2 VISIONS is accompanied by a web-based white-book initiative at www.pervasive.jku.at/hccvisions.
HC2 VISIONS is an open dialog and invites interested scientists, researchers as well as industrial stakeholders to participate and actively engage. If you want to present your idea in a 5 min position statement in the HC2 VISIONS dialogue sessions, please send an approx. 400 word summary to hc2visions@pervasive.jku.at by May 9, 2012.
A PDF Call for Participation is available online at: http://www.pervasive.jku.at/hccvisions/HC2_Visions_CfP.pdf
The workshop will be hosted by and is located at the head quarter of the Austrian Computer Society OCG. The objective of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) is the comprehensive and interdisciplinary promotion of information processing, with due regard to its effects on man and society.
Austrian Computer Society (OCG) Dampfschiffstraße 4, 1030 Vienna, Austria Phone +43 1 5120235-0
Institute for Pervasive Computing Johannes Kepler University Linz Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz Phone +43 732 2468 8556 hc2visions@pervasive.jku.at
Supported by the European Commission under the Future and Emerging Technologies program under grant 258063 HC2.
Please continue online for more information: http://www.pervasive.jku.at/hccvisions/