-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] MobiCom CALL FOR DEMO DEADLINE EXTENDED June 17, 2012 Datum: Tue, 12 Jun 2012 20:00:26 -0400 Von: Giovanni Pau gpau@cs.ucla.edu An: tccc tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies.]
Call for Demos The 18th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2012) August 22-26, 2012, Istanbul, Turkey http://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2012/ Sponsored by ACM SIGMOBILE
If you have a cool demo of your ideas, come and showcase it in MobiCom 2012! See instructions below.
Proposals for research demonstrations and exhibits are strongly solicited. Demonstrations should be innovative research prototypes that show new research related to the practice of mobile computing or wireless and mobile networking.
Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following aspects in wireles and mobile networking:
==> Architectures, algorithms and protocols for cognitive wireless networks and their integration in the Internet
==> Architectures, protocols, and algorithms to cope with mobility, limited bandwidth, limited power and/or intermittent connectivity
==> Coexistence of heterogeneous wireless networks
==> Design, implementation, and evaluation of mobile systems and applications
==> Experimental test-beds for mobile/wireless networks
==> Fundamental understanding of mobile computing and wireless networking
==> Green and energy-aware wireless networking
==> Integration and interworking of wired and wireless networks
==> Internet of things and cyber physical systems
==> Modeling, simulation, emulation and measurement of mobile systems
==> Next generation (beyond 802.11) wireless technologies and related systems and protocols
==> Operating system and middleware support for mobile computing and networking
==> Performance evaluation of mobile and wireless networks, protocols, and systems
==> Protocols exploiting novel technologies such as UWB, MIMO, directional antennas, and software radios
==> Security, privacy, and trustworthiness of mobile and wireless systems
==> Techniques for dynamic spectrum use
==> Wireless access technologies (e.g. mesh systems, personal area networks)
==> Wireless and mobile techniques for delay-tolerant, mobile ad hoc, and wireless sensor networks
Submission Instructions
Submit a summary of the proposed demo via email to falko.dressler@uibk.ac.at. The proposal should be maximum of 3 pages, including figures if needed, and in PDF format only. Please indicate "MobiCom 2012 Demo Submission" as the subject of the email. All submissions will be acknowledged.
The summary should include:
The names, affiliations, and email addresses of the authors. Goals of the demo and the basic idea that it supports. Equipment to be used for the demo. Space needed and setup time required. Additional facilities needed including power and Internet/wireless access. Indicate a URL with any extra information, if needed. Indicate whether the demo is eligible for the student demo competition by identifying the lead student(s) and their affiliations.
We encourage the submission of demos and exhibits that will be of interest to the community from researchers in academia and industry.
The submission should be formatted as a paper or extended abstract describing the research to be presented in your poster and should submitted as a PDF file of at most THREE pages, including all figures and references (formatted into the US letter size of 8.5 ? 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10 point size). The extended abstract must include the names of the authors, affiliations and email addresses.
All demo submissions will be reviewed by a committee. Please note that if your demo is selected, you will need to attend the conference.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 17, 2012 Notification: July 1, 2012
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc