Attention Management in Pervasive Computing

Submission deadline:  1 March 2013
Notification:        26 April 2013 
Publication:        Jan.–Mar. 2014

Finely-woven, globe-spanning digital networks, together with the radical miniaturization 
and embedding of information, communication, and sensor electronics into almost 
everything, have made human-to-computer bonds truely ubiquitous and pervasive. 
Accordingly, our approach to human-computer interaction is reversing: while HCI previously 
addressed issues related to how humans initiate interaction with ICT systems, we now 
increasingly observe ICT system designs that also approach humans. Within this "human 
computer confluence", human attention—more than processor speed, communication bandwidth, 
and storage resources—becomes the single most critical (yet least understood) resource in 
pervasive system design today.

While previously considered a mental variable that could not be quantified and measured, 
attention now constitutes a fundamental element of psychological research. Today, everyone 
has an intuitive understanding of what attention is, how it can be assessed, and how it 
impacts perception, memory, expectation, awareness, relevance, decision-making, and other 
behaviours. This special issue focusses on novel approaches to attention modelling, 
attention representation, attention sensing, recognition or estimation, together with 
attention management as a theoretical and practical principle for designing Pervasive and
Ubiquitous Computing systems.

We welcome multi-disciplinary articles not only from the core Pervasive and Ubiquitous
Computing community, but also from Behavioural Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience and Brain
Research linked to attention management system design principles.

Potential topics include:
- Theories and formal models of attention, theory driven modelling, evidencing theories
  Attention sensing and data-driven attention modelling (including recognition chains,
  mining Big Data)
- Attention estimation from behaviour (gaze, speech, pose, effort, somatic indicators) and  
  from mental effort (memorizing, response time)
- Attention recognition (pattern recognition, machine learning) and management 
  architectures (goals, plans, decision making)
- Individual attention (perceptual load, cognitive load, recall performance, 
  consciousness, overt vs. covert attention, focus and periphery of attention) and sensors 
  (EEG, FOVA, SC, BVP, ...)
- Collective attention (information diffusion, novelty propagation, sharing, consesus 
  finding) and sensors (social networks, microblogs, tweets, web/phone, exploiting 
  patterns ...)
- ICT design based on the economics of attention: design principles, interaction 
  principles, interface designs, attractors
- Attention management system architectures, tools and development frameworks
- Attention management showcases, success stories, and user studies in application domains  
  of societal significance—for example, health care systems, intense care and control 
  centers, electronic workplaces and electronic trading systems, mission-critical 
  construction and engineering, avionic and automotive systems, energy and environmental
  protection systems, safety and security systems, monitoring and surveillance systems, 
  crisis observatories, sales and digital signage systems, art installations, public 
  advertising, public opinion building, etc.

For more information about the focus, contact the Guest Editors

Alois Ferscha <>, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Joe Paradiso <>
, MIT Media Laboratory
Roger Whitaker <>, Cardiff University

Submission Information
Submissions should be 4,000 to 6,000 words long and should follow the magazine's 
guidelines on style and presentation. All submissions will be peer-reviewed in accordance 
with normal practice for scientific publications, and all accepted articles will be edited 
according to Computer Society guidelines. Submissions should be received by 1 March 2013 
to receive full consideration.

For general author guidelines or submission details: 

To submit your article go directly to our online peer-review system, Manuscript Central 