Anfang der weitergeleiteten Nachricht:
Von: Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad - EWI R.R.VenkateshaPrasad@TUDELFT.NL Datum: 6. November 2018 um 07:35:30 GMT+8 An: "tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG" tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG Kopie: "Ahsntc@l2ti.univ-paris13.fr" Ahsntc@l2ti.univ-paris13.fr, "TCGCC@COMSOC.ORG" TCGCC@COMSOC.ORG, "tccn@COMSOC.ORG" tccn@COMSOC.ORG, Simone Silvestri silvestri@cs.uky.edu, "tciin@COMSOC.ORG" tciin@COMSOC.ORG Betreff: CFP: ACM MobiHoc-2019 Deadlines approaching!
20TH ACM SYMPOSIUM ON MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKING AND COMPUTING July 02-05, 2019, Catania, Italy https://www.sigmobile.org/mobihoc/2019/
Please also follow https://www.facebook.com/ACMMobiHoc/ Important Dates: Abstract Submission: 14 December 2018 Paper Submission: 21 December 2018 First review deadline: 17 February 2019 Rebuttal deadline: 22 February 2019 Notification of acceptance: 29 March 2019
Topics (Not limited to)
- Modelling, analysis, and control of dynamic networks
- Network optimization and learning
- Ultra-wideband and millimeter-wave mobile networking
- Analytical modeling and model validation
- Performance, fundamental limits, scalability, energy, and reliability
- Routing, scheduling, resource allocation, spectrum sharing
- Online algorithms for interacting networks
- Communication and networking aspects of cyber-physical systems
- Anomaly detection, network monitoring and forecasting
- Network games, network economics
- Tasks, applications, sensing, and services over networks
- Trust, security, and privacy
- Exciting results from experimental systems
- Internet of the Things (IoT) and/or next-generation wireless
- Interdependent critical infrastructure networks
- Edge computing and distributed computing over networks
- Software Defined Networking/Network Function Virtualization
- Big-data analytics and machine learning for dynamic networks
- Machine learning aided scheduling, resource allocation, and algorithmic protocol design
- Information-centric networking
- Energy-efficiency in communication networks
- Inference in networks
See the webpage for more details!
Dr. R Venkatesha Prasad EWI, TUDelft, The Netherlands. http://homepage.tudelft.nl/w5p50
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