-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: MobiSys 2014 MARS Workshop Call for Papers Datum: Wed, 26 Feb 2014 18:55:44 +0800 Von: Victor Junqiu WEI wjqjsnj@163.COM Antwort an: Victor Junqiu WEI wjqjsnj@163.COM An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
MobiSys 2014 Workshop for Mobile Assistive and Robotic technology-based systems (MARS)
Workshop at MobiSys 2014 <http://www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2014/>, Bretton Wood, NH, USA June 16th, 2014 Call for Papers (http://symlab.ust.hk/conf/mars/ <http://symlab.ust.hk/conf/mars/>)
Smartphones embedded with many sensors have become very powerful. Hence, recently several mobile augmented reality (AR) applications have been developed e.g. AR-based tourist guiding system. Such applications superimpose computer-generated data such as text, video, graphs on top of the real-world view as captured by a camera embedded within a smartphone. Thus, such applications enhance a user’s perception of reality and of his surrounding environment. Furthermore, mobile augmented reality applications which are designed for children with special needs have recently appeared. In addition, recently researchers have extended robots usage into our daily lives such as search and rescue operations, education, entertainment, special need population e.g. autistic children or seniors. These new mobile augmented reality and robot application domains require close interactions with human beings, smart intelligence to allow smooth visual and audio recognition and some novel interface design. In this workshop, we hope to gather researchers who conduct researches in these two exciting fields to gather and share information on the challenges they face as well as their innovative design.
*Relevant Topics include (but are not limited to these):* Fundamental design:
- Visual sensing and cognition: gesture, facial expression etc
- Auditory cognition: cognition/interpretation of audio, voice or language
- Novel interface design, and interaction modalities e.g. human brain interface
- Security and privacy issues in emerging robotic and mobile assistive technologies
Intelligence and context-awareness:
- Knowledge and inference processing
- Context awareness and intention understanding
- Machine learning, AI and adaptation in human-robot interactions
Entertainment, Arts & Technology:
- Robots in entertainment, toys, arts
- StoryTelling in HRI
- Innovative robotic applications for laymen
Case Studies and Applications:
- Assistive and service robots
- Educational and social robots
- Virtual and augmented tele-presence related applications
- Robotic and mobile technologies enabled solutions for special need population
*Short papers:*
Authors must submit original papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. Manuscripts should be submitted in PDF format using the ACM camera-ready templates available athttp://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. The maximum page length is 6 pages. We strongly encourage industrial participation.
*Work-in-Progress Papers for Poster Presentation:*
Special poster session is prepared to present research results in their early stage from both academia and industry. 2 page extended abstract should be submitted via EasyChair site for the conference.
*Interactive Demonstration Papers:*
Interactive Demonstration Session is designed to foster research in areas related to novel human-robot interaction and mobile assistive technologies. Groups that are interested in demonstrating their novel ideas and results with real robots or augmented reality platforms are encouraged to participate. The participating groups should submit a video clip showing the interactive demonstration as well as the 2 page extended abstract. The accepted contributors have to interactively demonstrate their results on site.
*Important Dates:*
- Submission Deadline: April 4th, 2014
- Notifications: April 18th, 2014
- Camera-ready deadline: April 27, 2014
- Workshop: June 16, 2014
*Workshop Co-Chairs*
- Mooi Choo Chuah http://www.cse.lehigh.edu/~chuah/, Lehigh University, USA
- Pan Hui http://www.cse.ust.hk/~panhui/, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
*Programme Committee*
- Santosh Kumar, University of Memphis, USA
- Henny Admoni, Yale University, USA
- John Spletzer, Lehigh University, USA
- Wolgang Huerst, Utrecht University, Netherland
- Tobias Langlotz, Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Austria
- Daniel Lofaro, George Mason University, USA
- Uichin Lee, KAIST, Korea
- Taskir Padir, WPI, USA
- Ross Mead, USC, USA
- Zhanpeng Huang, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
- Chenren Xu, Rutgers University, USA
*Web Chair:* Victor Junqiu WEI, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
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