----- Forwarded message from ICME 2006 Publicity publicity@icme2006.org -----
From: ICME 2006 Publicity publicity@icme2006.org To: wellnitz@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 16:48:35 -0500 Subject: ICME 2006 Call for Papers X-IBRFilter-SpamReport: 0.354 () BAYES_44,REMOVE_SUBJ
Call for Papers 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) July 9-12, 2006 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME) is a major annual international conference organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas in multimedia. ICME serves as a forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art research, development, and implementations of multimedia systems, technologies and applications. ICME is co-sponsored by four IEEE societies (the Computer Society, the Signal Processing Society, the Circuits and Systems Society, and the Communications Society).
Authors should submit a four-page manuscript in double-column format including authors' names, affiliations, and a short abstract. Only electronic submission will be accepted. Visit the ICME 2006 website, www.icme2006.org, to submit papers. Topics covered include but are not limited to:
* Audio, image, video processing * Virtual reality and 3-D imaging * Signal processing for media integration * Multimedia Communications and networking * Multimedia security and content protection * Multimedia human-machine interface and interaction * Multimedia databases * Multimedia computing systems and appliances * Hardware and software for multimedia systems * Multimedia standards and related issues * Multimedia applications
A number of Awards generously sponsored by industry and academic institutions will be presented to the Best Papers/Best Student Papers at the conference. The sponsors include Microsoft Research Redmond, IBM T. J. Watson Center and Ryerson University.
Proposals for Special Sessions and Tutorials are also strongly encouraged. Special Session proposals should be directed to Jiebo Luo at jiebo.luo@kodak.com or Andre Zaccarin at zaccarin@gel.ulaval.ca by December 1, 2005.
Tutorials are scheduled for July 9, 2006. Brief proposals should be submitted by December 1, 2005, to Anthony Vetro at avetro@merl.com or Liang-Gee Chen at lgchen@video.ee.ntu.edu.tw, and must include title, outline, contact information for the presenter, and a description of the tutorial and material to be distributed to participants.
Proposals for Exhibitions and Demonstrations should be submitted to Dimitri Androutsos at dimitri@ee.ryerson.ca by December 1, 2005.
Important Dates Special Session Proposal Due: December 1, 2005 Tutorial Proposal Due: December 1, 2005 Regular Paper Submission: December 31, 2005 Notification of acceptance: March 7, 2006 Camera-Ready Paper Due: March 31, 2006
General Co-Chairs Ling Guan, Ryerson University Hong-Jiang Zhang, Microsoft Research Asia, China
Technical Program Co-Chairs Chang Wen Chen, Florida Institute of Technology Kostas. N. Plataniotis, University of Toronto
Technical Program Vice Co-Chairs Mike Christel, Carnegie Mellon University Jean-Luc Dugelay, Eurecom, France Panos Nasiopoulos, University of British Columbia En-hui Yang, University of Waterloo
Finance Chair Liping Fang, Ryerson University
Special Session Co-Chairs Jiebo Luo, Eastman Kodak Andr?? Zaccarin, Universit?? Laval
Tutorial Co-Chairs Liang-Gee Chen, National Taiwan University Anthony Vetro, Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab
Local Arrangement Co-Chairs Alagan Anpalagan, Ryerson University Sri Krishnan, Ryerson University
Publicity Co-Chairs Robert Dony, University of Guelph Xiao-Ping Zhang, Ryerson University
Publication Co-Chairs Amir Asif, York University Liang Zhang, Communications Research Centre Canada
Demo/Exhibit Chair Dimitri Androutsos, Ryerson University
Registration Co-Chairs Ivan Lee, Ryerson University Paisarn Muneesawang, UAE University
Asian Liaison Horace Ip, City University of Hong Kong
European Liaison Joern Ostermann, University of Hanover, Germany
Webmaster Jose Lay, University of Sydney, Australia
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