-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CALL FOR PAPERS] Speical Section in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics "Energy Informatics for Green Cities" Datum: Tue, 2 May 2017 10:19:59 -0400 Von: Yuan Wu iewuy@ZJUT.EDU.CN Antwort an: Yuan Wu iewuy@ZJUT.EDU.CN An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
[CALL FOR PAPERS] Speical Section in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics "Energy Informatics for Green Cities"
Dear All,
Please find below a call for papers for IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.
--------------- CALL FOR PAPER: Speical Section in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics "Energy Informatics for Green Cities"
Deadline for manuscript submissions July 1, 2017 This CFP can be seen at the website of IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics at http://tii.ieee-ies.org/.
The THEME --------------- Energy Informatics is emerging as a new and inter-disciplinary research field. The main goal is to tackle the future global warming, energy crisis, and climate change challenges by exploiting advanced ICT theories and tools to address energy-related problems. The scope of Energy Informatics includes the next-generation communications, networking, computing, sensing and control technologies (e.g., big data, machine learning, 5G, cloud computing, fog computing); and their applications in the energy sectors (e.g., smart cities, smart grid, electric vehicles, and PV systems). In the past decade, we have witnessed a rapid development and application of advanced informatics technologies (information, communications, and networking technologies) to realize sustainable smart cities, covering many successful examples such as green buildings, smart homes, distributed microgrid systems, and green transportation systems. When equipped with advanced ICT technologies, buildings and homes are able to significantly improve energy efficiency, reliability, and security in grid operations, while satisfying users’ comfort, and thus benefitting all stakeholders, namely energy consumers, utility companies, and energy generators. Moreover, distributed microgrid systems facilitate the deep integration of renewable energy and promote an efficient, secure, and economic exploitation of renewable energy resources. The rapid development of informatics technologies also leads to the success of green transportation systems, driving an exponential growth in using electric vehicles. A variety of recent advanced informatics technologies play important and indispensable roles in green transportation systems, and enable the joint management of energy flows, information flows, as well as transportation flows. TOPICS --------------- This special section solicits high quality and unpublished work on recent advances in energy informatics for green cities. We solicit papers covering the following topics of interest, but not limited to: * Advanced informatics technologies for green smart cities: - Advanced information architectures (e.g., SDN, Cloud and Fog Computing) for green cities - Advanced informatics techniques (e.g., IoT, NB-IoT, and LTE-V) for green cities - Advanced cyber security (e.g., privacy preservation, authentication) for green cities - Advanced computing and control (e.g., machine learning, and Big Data analytics) for green cities
* Advanced informatics applications for green cities: - Advanced smart buildings and smart houses - Advanced energy trading and market - Advanced informatics for renewable energy management and forecasting - Next-generation wireless communications for green cities - Smart grids/energy harvesting/energy-transfer assisted informatics networks
MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION --------------- Follow the guidelines in "Information for Authors" in the IEEE Transaction on Industrial Informatics http://tii.ieee-ies.org/ Please submit your manuscript in electronic form through Manuscript Central web site: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tii. On the submitting page #1 in popup menu of manuscript type, select: SS on "Energy Informatics for Green Cities".
Submissions to this Special Section must represent original material that has been neither submitted to, nor published in, any other journal. Extended versions of papers previously published in conference proceedings may be eligible for consideration if conditions listed in http://tii.ieee-ies.org/o/PC.pdf are fulfilled. Before submitting manuscript check the review criteria (http://tii.ieee-ies.org/o/RC.pdf) and other information (http://tii.ieee-ies.org/o/DI.pdf).
TIME TABLE --------------- Deadline for manuscript submissions July 1, 2017 Expected publication date (tentative) February 2018
GUEST EDITORS OF THE SPECIAL SECTION --------------- Professor Yan Zhang University of Oslo, Norway Email: yanzhang@ifi.uio.no Professor Yuan Wu Zhejiang University of Technology, China Email: iewuy@zjut.edu.cn
Professor Danny H.K. Tsang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Email: eetsang@ust.hk
Professor Alberto Leon-Garcia University of Toronto, Canada Email: alberto.leongarcia@utoronto.ca
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/