Von: Anna Maria Vegni <annamaria.vegni@UNIROMA3.IT>
Gesendet: 20. Mai 2020 10:15:54 MESZ
An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [cfp] IEEE/ACM DS-RT 2020 Special Session on Simulation of Urban Traffic Management and ITS

Special Session on Simulation of Urban Traffic Management and ITS


Submission Deadline: June 25th, 2020
Notification Date: July 30th, 2020

Session Chairs:
Dr. Anna Maria Vegni - Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy
Dr. Francisco Martínez - University of Zaragoz, Spain

Goals of the Session:
Nowadays, huge volumes of traffic data are available from various sensors - and this special session focuses on the development of simulations of transportation that take advantage of this data to capture the complex nature of urban mobility. City planners and traffic operators could use these simulations to explore transportation what-if scenarios, e.g., investment in a new motorway. Driver-level simulation (microscopic) has been shown to be the most accurate approach; however, it is considered too computationally expensive to be deployed in Intelligent Transportation products. Macroscopic simulations on the other hand take into account spatial density and velocity on road segments, and use various flow management methods to propagate the load of vehicles to the next segments. The simplicity of the macroscopic models makes it less expensive in term of processing power required than more complex simulation models. However, they are not as accurate as microscopic simulation models. This special session will explore new advances in these two models (as well as hybrid models) of traffic simulation. We are looking for contributions that describe novel techniques, new applications, interesting applications etc.

List of Topics:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Microscopic and macroscopic models;
• Discrete and Continuous models;
• Discrete and Continuous models;
• Traffic modeling and engineering;
• Mobility modeling and management;
• Automatic performance analysis;
• Measurement architectures and systems;
• Predictive performance models;
• Evaluation and Simulation tools;
• Validation through modeling and prototyping.

Paper Submission Guidelines:
Papers must be unpublished and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers will be reviewed by Technical Program Committee members and other experts active in the field to ensure high quality and relevance to the conference.

At least one author of accepted papers must attend the conference to present its contribution.

Papers should be written in English and should not exceed 10 pages, double column, IEEE style including tables and figures. Note that the regular paper size will be 8 pages, with the possibility to obtain up to 2 additional pages (total 10 pages) by paying a publication fee. A template for IEEE Proceedings style (LaTeX2e and MS Word) can be found at http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates. Only Postscript and PDF formats are accepted.

Papers must be submitted electronically through the EDAS system. The complete list of authors' names must be inserted when registering the paper on the EDAS system. Authors names can be inserted in the paper: that is, the review process is single blind. Authors should check if they already have a login on the EDAS system; otherwise, an account must be created before submitting a paper. If you are not already registered to EDAS please follow the instructions on EDAS registration page (http://edas.info/N26936), where you can login, or you can create a new EDAS user account.
Anna Maria Vegni, PhD

Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Telecommunications
COMLAB - Telecommunication Lab
Department of Engineering
Roma Tre University
Via Vito Volterra, 62 - 00146 Rome, Italy

e-mail: annamaria.vegni@uniroma3.it
other: a.v.vegni@ieee.org, vegni@acm.org
web: http://www.comlab.uniroma3.it/newwebsite/index.php?page=vegni
ph: +39.06.5733.7357
mob: +39.333.6570348 (or 87873)
fax: +39.06.5733.7026
IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications.