-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] Workshop on Software Engineering for Sensor Network Applications Datum: Thu, 6 Jan 2011 15:16:15 +0100 Von: Gian Pietro Picco gianpietro.picco@unitn.it An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
2nd International Workshop on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING FOR SENSOR NETWORK APPLICATIONS May 22, 2011, Waikiki, Honolulu, Hawaii http://www.sesena.info info@sesena.info In conjunction with ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE)
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are a fundamental building-block of the upcoming Internet of Things, as they enable seamless integration of the digital and physical worlds. Despite the interest raised by this decade-old research topic, the development of WSN software is still carried out in a rather primitive fashion, by building software directly atop the operating system and by relying on the individual, hard-earned programming skills. WSN developers must face not only the functional application requirements but also a number of challenging, non-functional requirements and constraints resulting from scarce re- sources. The heterogeneity of network nodes, the unpredictable envi- ronmental influences, and the large size of the network further add to the difficulties.
In the WSN community there is a growing awareness of the need for methodologies, techniques, and abstractions that simplify the develop- ment task and increase the confidence in the correctness and perfor- mance of the resulting software. Software engineering (SE) support is therefore sought, not only to ease the development task but also to make it more reliable, dependable, and repeatable. Nevertheless, this topic has received so far very little attention by the SE community.
The aim of SESENA11 is to attract researchers belonging to both the SE and WSN communities, not only to exchange their recent research re- sults on the topic, but also to stimulate discussion about the core open problems and to define a shared research agenda. The workshop welcomes both research contributions and position statements. The for- mer will allow discussing in technical depth novel results with an au- dience composed of both SE and WSN researchers. The latter will pro- vide the opportunity for presenting open problems, provocative views, or previously-unexplored ideas in an informal fashion. SESENA11 will also include a "speakers' corner" session composed by impromptu pre- sentations where any of the attendees (including those without an ac- cepted paper) will be given a chance to present their own views in very short statements (e.g., 2-4 minutes).
The workshop solicits contributions including, but not limited to, the following aspects of SE for sensor networks:
* (macro)programming languages and compilers; * testing and debugging; * formal verification and model checking; * model-driven approaches; * interfacing WSNs and business software
Prospective participants are invited to submit research or position papers containing original unpublished material describing ongoing work and new ideas, mature research results, or experience reports. Submissions must conform to the ICSE submission format and rules (see http://2011.icse-conferences.org/content/submission-guidelines). Re- search papers may not exceed 6 pages, position papers must be limited to 2 pages.
Papers must be submitted electronically through CyberChairPro at http://cyberchairpro.borbala.net/sesenapapers/submit.
The program committee will review all submissions for quality, rele- vance, and their potential to trigger discussions at the workshop. Ac- cepted papers will be published in the ICSE companion proceedings and on the workshop web site.
Paper submission: January 21, 2011 Author notification: February 26, 2011 Camera-ready: March 10, 2011 Workshop: May 22, 2011
Kurt Geihs, University of Kassel, Germany Kay Roemer, University of Luebeck, Germany & ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Luca Mottola, Swedish Institute of Computer Science Gian Pietro Picco, University of Trento, Italy
Vittorio Cortellessa, University of L'Aquila, Italy Geoff Coulson, Lancaster University, UK Prabal Dutta, University of Michigan, USA Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Stefan Gruner, University of Pretoria, South Africa Valerie Issarny, INRIA, France Stamatis Karnouskos, SAP Research, Germany Pedro Jose' Marron, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Alessandro Orso, GeorgiaTech, USA Gruia-Catalin Roman, Washington University in St. Louis, USA Wilhelm Schaefer, University of Paderborn, Germany Mary Lou Soffa, University of Virginia, USA Andreas Terzis, John Hopkins University, USA Kamin Whitehouse, University of Virginia, USA Matthias Woehrle, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands Alexander L. Wolf, Imperial College London, UK
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc