-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CoNext Student Workshop 2006 (4-Dec, Lisbon, Portugal) Datum: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 17:32:25 -0400 Von: Jim Kurose kurose@cs.umass.edu An: Tccc@cs.columbia.edu
--------------------------------------------- CoNext Student Workshop 2006 Lisbon, Portugal 4 December, 2006 --------------------------------------------
Call for Abstracts
The CoNext Student Workshop is a forum for graduate students around the world to interact with their peers, publicize and exchange feedback, share experiences, make contacts, and learn about networking problems that other students from around the world are working on. Students will not only learn about other students' work, but also meet and interact with established networking researchers, who will participate in the workshop as panelists and organizers. Students will have the opportunity to establish connections in the networking community and help shape its future. The workshop will be a day-long program organized in a way that promotes interaction and lively discussion.
The CoNext 2006 Student Workshop organizing committee is encouraging the submission of abstracts describing ongoing thesis research in all areas of computer networking and data communications (for a list of topics, please refer to the CoNext 2006 call for papers). Student authors are asked to submit 1-2 page abstracts before the deadline below, using the CoNext 2006 format. Please visit http://www.co-next.net and follow the link to the Student Workshop to submit your abstract. Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee, from which a number of abstracts will be selected for inclusion in the workshop program. The workshop abstracts will appear in the CoNext 2006 proceedings.
CoNext 2006 offer students the opportunity to apply for travel grants. Information on travel grants are available from http://www.co-next.net.
Important dates: ---------------- Submission: September 29th, 2006 Notification: October 13th, 2006 Final version: October 20th, 2006
Student Workshop chairs:
Nick Feamster, Georgia Tech, USA Renata Teixeira, LIP6-CNRS, France
Program Committee:
Aditya Akella, University of Wisconsin, USA Ernst Biersack, Institut Eurecom, France Olivier Bonaventure, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium Luis Costa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK Xenofontas Dimitropoulos, IBM Zurich Serge Fdida, LIP6-CNRS, France Jim Kurose, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA Olaf Maennel, University of Adelaide, Australia Morley Mao, University of Michigan, USA Aman Shaikh, AT&T Research, USA Geoff Voelker, University of California San Diego
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