-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [HotPlanet'11] submission deadline extended Datum: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 11:15:06 +0100 Von: Michal Piorkowski michal.piorkowski@USI.CH Antwort an: michal.piorkowski@usi.ch An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
Apologies for crossposting. Due to many requests we are extending the submission deadline for HotPlanet'11 workshop until the 7th of April 2011. Please note that the paper registration deadline is extended until the 31st of March 2011.
========================================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS The 3rd ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-scale Measurement HOT PLANET 2011 Co-located with ACM MobiSys 2011, 28 June 2011, Washington DC USA http://www.hotplanetconf.net/ =========================================================================
It is well-known that successfully researching, designing and building new mobile, ad-hoc, mesh and opportunistic networking systems and algorithms requires access to large-scale data on human mobility, encounter, and social network patterns. Unfortunately, the wireless and mobile research communities lack such data, with typical human contact traces consisting of less than 100 nodes. We believe that large-scale datasets are important, not only in communication network design, but also for fundamental study in other academic disciplines, e.g., epidemiology, urban planning, and social science. Complex networks research has flourished since 1989 when the first large Internet (and later WWW) datasets became available. To achieve similar improvements in mobile networking and related fields, large-scale, and ideally planet-scale, datasets must be collected and made available.
Following two successful editions of the workshop at ACM MobiSys 2009 and 2010, the third HotPlanet workshop will not only challenge the community to collect large-scale human mobility traces but also to propose novel mobility data processing and knowledge discovery techniques.
Mobility Data Contest sponsored by Google ----------------------------------------- To make the whole event even more interesting, we will hold a competition for all the participants of the MobiSys conference and the associated workshops. The contest is sponsored by Google and you can find more details about it on the workshop website (http://www.hotplanetconf.net) under the 'Contest' section. The ceremony for the winners will take place during the last day of the ACM MobiSys conference.
Important dates: ---------------- Paper registration deadline: March 31, 2011 Submission deadline: April 7, 2011 Authors notification: May 1, 2011 Camera ready: May 10, 2011 Workshop date: June 28, 2011
Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to: -------------------------------------------------------- - Motivating applications for large-scale human mobility data collection, especially from other disciplines, e.g., epidemiology, sociology - Methods for collecting large-scale human mobility datasets - Techniques for mobility data storage and processing - Knowledge discovery from mobility data - Novel applications of large-scale human mobility datasets, e.g., human dynamics characterization and modeling - Planet-scale data collection infrastructures - Testbed federation for planet-scale data collection - Incentive models for encouraging users and businesses to collect and contribute data on a planet-wide scale - Enabling security, privacy and anonymity for large-scale data collection - Regulatory, legal and ethical issues in planet-wide data collection
Workshop Chairs: ---------------- Michal Piorkowski, USI Lugano, Switzerland Brenton Walker, LTS University of Maryland, USA
Program Committee: ------------------ Imad Aad, Nokia Research Center Lausanne, Switzerland David J. Crandall, Indiana University, USA Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, University of Fribourg, Switzerland Michael Doering, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany Vassilis Kostakos, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Marco Mamei, Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy Padma Mundur, University of Maryland, USA Mirco Nanni, ISTI-CNR Pisa, Italy Arjan Peddemors, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands Michal Piorkowski, USI Lugano, Switzerland Balaji Rengarajan, IMDEA Networks, Spain Dirk VanBruggen, University of Notre Dame, USA Brenton Walker, LTS Univeristy of Maryland, USA John Whitbeck, UPMC Sorbonne Universities, France Zhixian Yan, EPFL, Switzerland Lin Zhong, Rice University, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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