-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] [CFP] Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier) - SI on Vehicular Networking for Mobile Crowd Sensing - New Deadline Datum: Tue, 4 Nov 2014 17:05:26 +0100 Von: Antonella Molinaro antonella.molinaro@UNIRC.IT Antwort an: Antonella Molinaro antonella.molinaro@UNIRC.IT An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS
A Special Issue of AD HOC NETWORKS (Elsevier) on VEHICULAR NETWORKING FOR MOBILE CROWD SENSING http://www.journals.elsevier.com/ad-hoc-networks/call-for-papers/special-iss...
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEADLINE APPROACHING: November 15, 2014 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Scope: Mobility of people and goods is vital to urban economy and quality of life. It is estimated that people will increase their need of mobility around 35% per decade for the next 3 decades. In this context, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) can be seen as new key enablers of the future networked society. Vehicles travelling acquire, as mobile sensors, a variety of information with increased capillarity in time and space. The vast information collected by vehicles can be used to enable a plurality of new services addressing safety, traffic management, smart navigation, in-vehicle remote control, pollution measurements, urban surveillance, environment monitoring, forensic investigations, and Internet access. Hence, VANETs represent a wide dynamic sensing opportunity. The acquisition, sharing, processing, and transmission of data from, to, and among vehicles foresee a new way to manage the communications: heterogeneity is inherent to devices, to data, and also to technologies. This opens new challenges whose complexity increases with the amount of connected vehicles. A typical challenge is how to make vehicles opportunistically cooperate, sharing resources and contents, how to optimize the transmission through operated networks or road side units (i.e., vehicle to infrastructure -V2I - communications), and how to obtain a real advantage from vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications (such as, offloading of cellular networks, resource optimization, creation of new services). Other challenges derive from the jointly management and seamless integration of heterogeneous data flows, from frequent but small packets transmitted in V2V links, to huge multimedia flows shared and transmitted through the infrastructure.
This special issue is seeking original contributions on VANETs, sharing the research efforts and deployment challenges in this field and discussing challenges, key enabling techniques, unprecedented approaches, and field trails. Topics of interests include (but are not limited to): -Enabling technologies for vehicles cooperation (IEEE 802.11p, LTE, Visible Light Communication, etc.) -Cooperative approach for V2I communication -Physical (PHY) and medium access control (MAC) techniques (OFDMA, CSMA, non orthogonal waveforms) for V2V and V2I communications -Design of advanced PHYs for the coexistence of heterogeneous data flows (high rate flows with several low rate flows) -Multi-modal heterogeneous networks and optimal management of resources -Distributed algorithms for data collection -Optimal retrieval of relevant data and optimal routing toward the finalusers -New ideas toward an efficient handling of huge number of devices with widely varying requirements (e.g., information-centric networking) -Example of ITS or Smart Cities applications relying on data collected by vehicles -Field trial experiments.
Original, high quality contributions that are not yet published or that are not currently under review by other journals or peer-reviewed conferences are sought. Authors should submit a PDF version of their complete manuscript according to the followingtimetable.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION DEADLINE (manuscript due): 2014 November 15 (extended) ACCEPTANCE DEADLINE (acceptance notification): 2015 April 12 EXPECTED PUBLICATION DATE: 2nd Quarter 2015 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Instructions for submission:
v The submission website for this journal is located at: http://ees.elsevier.com/adhoc/default.asp v To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue you are editing, it is important that authors select SI: Vehicular Net for Sensing when they reach the âArticle Typeâ step in the submission process
Guest Editors
Barbara M. Masini National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering, Bologna, Italy E-mail: barbara.masini@ieiit.cnr.it
Luis Henrique Maciel Kosmalski Costa Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, GTA/COPPE/Poli/UFRJ, Brasil E-mail: luish@gta.ufrj.br
Antonella Molinaro Department of Information Engineering, Infrastructures, and Sustainable Energy (DIIES), Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria, Italy E-mail: antonella.molinaro@unirc.it
Timo Sukuvaara Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Oulu E-mail: Timo.Sukuvaara@fmi.fi
Bertrand Ducourthial Universit? de Technologie de Compi?gne, France E.mail: Bertrand.Ducourthial@hds.utc.fr -----------------------------
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/