-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] EWSN'24 PhD School & Community Event: Call for Participation Datum: Mon, 6 May 2024 02:00:00 +0000 Von: Stephen Xia stephen.xia@NORTHWESTERN.EDU An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EWSN'24 PhD School & Community Event December 10, 2024 - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates https://ewsn24.tii.ae/phd-school.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Research is an adventure - the unknown has to be explored, unforeseen challenges have to be mastered, and results usually differ from what was originally planned.
This year’s EWSN proposes a first-of-its-kind PhD School & Community Event where we will focus on both the technical and non-technical challenges of the research adventure. The event is intended to offer a forum for PhD students, postdocs, and early-stage faculty members to not only share their experiences and challenges in building up their research career, but also to get active support and help from experienced experts in managing the research adventure.
A special focus will be on non-technical challenges encountered by many early-stage researchers, such as dealing with paper/proposal rejections, handling stress induced by high expectations and deadlines, overcoming motivation crises when things don’t go as planned, or how to master cooperation in a team with different cultural/disciplinary backgrounds. The venue also represents a unique opportunity for the community to network, receive constructive feedback, guidance, tips, and learn about innovative research problems being tackled by the community.
Participants will receive a certificate worth 1 ECTS credit, which they may get recognized at their home university towards the education programs they are enrolled in. Several travel grants are foreseen for participants of the PhD School & Community event, for which a separate application is required, see https://ewsn24.tii.ae/grants.html
The event will include a keynote and additional plenary talks on experience and advice related to mastering the technical and non-technical challenges of research. Participants will be able to present their research plans, preliminary results, and challenges to get feedback and advice from experts. The event will also support building a network among the participants and experts.
Researchers who want to participate in this event shall submit a brief abstract containing: - Name, affiliation, contact information, and career stage of the applicant. (e.g., PhD study, postdoc research, building up a junior research group); - Outline of the planned research activities, including identified research gaps, research questions and references to the most important scientific literature; - Outline of the planned research approach and methodology, and next steps; - A brief summary of preliminary results, if applicable; - List of open technical and non-technical challenges that the applicant currently experiences in carrying out research at PhD/postdoc/junior faculty level on which feedback and advice are sought from the experts and other participants.
Abstracts shall use the standard EWSN paper template (https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/association-for-computing-machinery...) and shall have a length between 1 to 3 pages, including references. Typically, abstracts of early-stage researchers will be shorter than abstracts of more advanced researchers who have already obtained preliminary results. Abstracts shall be submitted at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ewsn24psce by the deadline and will be evaluated by the organizers.
If we receive more submissions than available participant spots, preference will be given to applicants who are most in need of support and advice to carry out their planned research. Abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings, but participants may opt out of publication if they prefer to not publish their research plans.
- Abstract submission: September 22, 2024 (AoE) - Acceptance notification: October 1, 2024 - Camera-ready version: October 6, 2024 - Event: December 10, 2024
- Anna Foerster, University of Bremen, Germany - Anna Maria Mandalari, University College London, UK - Kay Roemer, TU Graz, Austria - Marco Zuniga, TU Delft, The Netherlands
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our sincere apologies if you receive multiple copies of the call ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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