-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Cost290] International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Mobile HealthCare Datum: Tue, 04 Apr 2006 16:13:55 +0100 Von: Veselin Rakocevic V.Rakocevic@city.ac.uk An: cost290@cs.tut.fi
International Workshop on Privacy and Security in Mobile HealthCare Innsbruck, Austria, 29th November 2006
Call for Papers
Paper Submission Deadline: 15th June 2006
Web Site: http://pmhcs.org
Theme: Security and Privacy in Pervasive Healthcare
Security and Privacy issues in mobile healthcare are emerging as two important areas within the pervasive healthcare area. With the fast changing mobile network and handset technologies it has become vital to define security policies and standards for mobile heathcare.
We seek novel and scientifically exciting work in areas including but not limited to:
a. Design of secure mobile web services for healthcare b. Management of secure mobile health c. QoS in healthcare mobile networks d. Privacy and identity in mobile healthcare systems e. New architectures for secure mobile healthcare systems f. Policies for mobile security g. Long term data preservation and intelligibility
This workshop will be held in conjunction with the International Pervasive Health Conference, in Innsbruck, Austria, November 29th December 1st, 2006.
The objective of the workshop is to discuss security and privacy issues and challenges that are facing the healthcare professionals in the implementation of mobile technologies within the healthcare industry.
There will be three categories of speakers: - Keynote speakers - Invited papers - Submitted papers
All students will have to provide proof of their status by showing their registration in a University. A letter of recommendation from their mentor/supervisor would be useful.
Submission of papers: Papers that describe original, research work that are not published elsewhere can be submitted for this workshop. Submissions must follow IEEEs conference style two-column format including figures and references. The papers will be archived in the IEEEXplore. Proceedings will be published in CD by ICST. Papers submitted to the workshop will consist of 10 pages maximum. For more details on submission type and format please refer to the workshop web site. Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically using the Create-nets COCUS system only http://www.cocus.info by following the link and instructions at the workshop home page: http://pmhcs.org
Dr Veselin Rakocevic School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences City University London EC1V 0HB phone: 020 7040 8136 fax: 020 7040 8568
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