-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: INFOCOM Workshop on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor, UAV and Robot Networking (MiSARN 2019) Datum: Tue, 4 Dec 2018 14:32:24 -0700 Von: Fatemeh Afghah fatemeh.afghah@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: Fatemeh Afghah fatemeh.afghah@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Apologies for cross and multiple postings.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Papers for the 1th Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor, UAV and Robot Networking (MiSARN 2019)
In conjunction with the IEEE INFOCOM 2019 (http://infocom2019.ieee-infocom.org)
Joint 7th International Workshop on Mission-Oriented Wireless Sensor and Cyber-Physical System Networking (MiSeNet) and 12th International Workshop on Wireless Sensor, Robot and UAV Networks (WiSARN)
29th April 2019, Paris, France
Website: http://misarn2019.nws.cs.unibo.it
Submission deadline: December 31th Notification: February 11th Camera ready: March 3th Workshop Day: April 29th
EDAS link for submissions: http://edas.info/N25568 *Note:* The best papers related to UAVs will be invited to submit an extended paper to special issue on "UAV-based Applications in the Internet of Things https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/uav_applications_iot (IoT)" in MDPI Sensors.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GENERAL DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Over the last two decades, the recent and fast advances in inexpensive sensor technology and wireless communications has made the design and development of large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs) and cyber-physical systems (CPS) cost-effective and appealing to a wide range of mission-critical situations, including civilian, natural, industrial, and military applications, such as health and environmental monitoring, seism monitoring, industrial process automation, and battlefields surveillance. Some of these mission-critical applications include the utilization of ground sensor, robot and UAV networks, which are the confluence point where the traditional fields of wireless communications, robotics and control theory meet. Autonomous cooperative systems, made of intelligent devices (such as robots and UAVs), may deploy, repair and relocate sensors to improve coverage, build routes and fix network partition to ensure data communication, change network topology to shape routing patterns and balance energy consumption, and respond to reported events in a timely and effective manner. The benefits are limited only by imagination. As an emerging field, the 5G architecture foresees explicitly the usage of these specialized systems and offer new networking techniques, by which they can fully exploit their particularities and potentials. Starting from the tradition of MiSeNet and WiSARN workshops, IEEE MiSARN 2018 will aim to provide a forum for participants from academia and industry to discuss topics in mission-oriented WSNs, cyber-physical systems and UAV/Robot networking, combining both research and practice. IEEE MiSARN 2018 will serve as incubator for scientific communities that share a particular research agenda in the area of the workshopos topics. IEEE MiSARN 2018 will provide its participants with opportunities to understand the major technical and application challenges of mission-oriented WSNs, cyber-physical systems and UAV/Robot networking as well as exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas related to their architecture, protocol, algorithm, and application design, in particular at a stage before they have matured to warrant conference/journal publications. IEEE MiSARN 2018 will seek papers that present novel theoretical and practical ideas as well as work in-progress, which will lead to the development of solid foundations for the design, analysis, and implementation of energy-efficient, reliable, and secure mission-oriented WSN applications and cyber-physical systems.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TOPICS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Theoretical foundations, modeling and analysis of mission-oriented WSNs - System design, implementation, and evaluation of mission-oriented WSNs - Medium access control and scheduling in mission-oriented WSNs - Software architectures for mission-oriented WSNs - Self-organization, self-configuration, and energy efficiency in mission-oriented WSNs - Topology control, coverage and connectivity issues in mission-oriented WSNs - Routing and data dissemination in mission-oriented WSNs - In-network data storage and processing in mission-oriented WSNs - Sensor database management in mission-oriented WSNs - Localization, detection and tracking in mission-oriented WSNs - Cryptography, privacy, robustness, security aspects of mission-oriented WSNs - Internet and cloud computing, cloud of Things in mission-oriented WSNs - Sensor-enabled robots and drones in mission-oriented WSNs - Wearable computing and human centricity in mission-oriented WSNs - Cyber-physical systems in mission-oriented WSNs - Theoretical foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems - Signal Processing for Cyber-Physical Systems - Mechanism Design for Cyber-Physical Systems - Control and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems - Data Mining and Analytics Applied to Cyber-Physical Systems - Game Theory Applied to Cyber-Physical Systems - Mobile and Cloud Computing for Cyber-Physical Systems - Security of Cyber-Physical Systems - Model-Based Design and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems - Testbed design and real-world applications of mission-oriented WSNs - Autonomous sensor networks - Emergent behavior in robotic systems - UAV-aided wireless sensor networks - Optimal control of networked robots - Robot advanced motion control - Modeling and control of fleet of UAVs - Autonomic and self-organizing coordination and communication in Robot and UAV networks - Sensor-robot and robot-robot coordination - Energy-efficient and real-time communication protocols in Robot and UAV networks - Distributed control and management for Robot and UAV network deployments - Communication protocols for swarms of mobile nodes - Map exploration and pattern formation of mobile robots - Robot task assignment - Biologically inspired communication systems for Robot and UAV networks - Software-Defined Aerial Networks - Endurance Management - Ground sensors to UAVs communication and data gathering - Context-awareness and decision making for UAV systems - Path planning, and target tracking in UAV networks
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is required that the manuscript follows the standard IEEE camera-ready format (double column, 10-pt font) and be submitted as PDF file (formatted for 8.5-11 inch paper) as well as the requirement set by the EDAS paper submission system. Submitted paper must be original and unpublished papers with no longer than 6 pages. The direct link for paper submission is: http://edas.info/N25568
All accepted papers of INFOCOM (main program and workshops), after being presented onsite at the conference, will be included in the proceedings to be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORGANIZING COMMITTEE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
General Chairs
- Sajal K. Das, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA - Enrico Natalizio, University of Lorraine, France - Yannis Paschalidis, Boston University, USA
Technical Program Chairs
- Fatemeh Afghah, Northern Arizona University, USA - Habib M. Ammari, Fordhma University, USA - Berk Canberk, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey - Marco Di Felice, University of Bologna, Italy
Web and Publicity Chairs
- Angelo Trotta, University of Bologna, Italy - Alireza Shamsoshoara, Northern Arizona University, USA
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/