-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: ASIT 2010 @ IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 (Please Submit Your Paper! One Week to Deadline) Datum: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 12:16:09 +0900 Von: CFP 2010cfp@gmail.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Paper Submission Link: http://www.edas.info/newPaper.php?c=8682&track=9210 ------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Sensor Integration Technology (ASIT 2010) http://mmlab.snu.ac.kr/~mchen/asit2010/index.html held in conjunction with IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 EXTENDED DEADLINE: July 11 -------------------------------------------------------------- Selected papers will be published in International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems SI on Mobile, Multimedia, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. http://www.inderscience.com/browse/callpaper.php?callID=1228 --------------------------------------------------------------
The 2010 International Workshop on Advanced Sensor Integration Technology (ASIT 2010) will be held in conjunction with IEEE Globecom 2010, December 6-10, 2010, Miami, Florida, USA.
Recently, there is a growing interest in the design, development and deployment of sensor systems for applications of high-level inference, which leads to an increasing demand on interconnecting wireless sensor networks with other emerging technologies, such as RFID technology, Multimedia Based surveillance System, biomedical technology, mobile agent based networks, P2P technology and Business Process, etc. With sensor technology being incorporated into these technologies, demands from more and more autonomous and intelligent applications can be met.
This workshop is intended to provide a forum for presenting, exchanging and discussing the most recent advances in different aspects of integrating wireless sensor networks with emerging technologies. In particular, this workshop will bring together leading researchers, industry professionals, and research students to study the applications, architectures, protocols, models, evaluation methods, and experimental studies of the advanced sensor integration technology.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:
Sensor Integration with RFID technology: * Novel architecture for integrating RFID and wireless sensor networks * RFID based wireless sensor networks * Ubiquitous RFID and sensor networks * Intelligent applications for RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks
Sensor Integration with Multimedia based Surveillance System: * Multi-camera system algorithms and applications * Multimedia aggregation and fusion in video sensor networks * Testbed and experimental studies for video sensor networking * Real-time and reliable video transmission over WSNs * QoS provisioning for video transmission in WSNs
Sensor Integration with Biomedical Technology: * Wireless sensor networks in E-heathcare * Health Care and Medical Applications for wireless body area sensor networks * Body sensor networks
Sensor Integration with Mobile Agent Technology: * Middleware design for mobile agent based wireless sensor networks * Novel itinerary plan for mobile agent in wireless sensor networks * Agent-based architectures for WSNs * Agents design issues dealing with reliability, efficiency, and fault tolerance * Mobile agent based intelligent sensory data fusion
Sensor Integration with P2P Technology: * P2P based diverse sensor networks integration * P2P based sensor networks resource discovery * P2P based worldwide sensor networks sharing
Sensor Integration with Business Process: * Novel middleware design for sensor networks assisted business process * Integrating sensor networks with business process * Sensor networks based context aware business process management
Sensor Integration with Semantic Technology: * Semantic descriptions of sensors and sensor data * Semantic data integration of heterogeneous sensor network data streams * Semantic Sensor Web applications, architectures, middleware, and languages * Sharing, annotation, and (distributed) management of sensor data
-------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES --------------------------------------------------------------
Papers submission: July 11, 2010 (Sunday) 23:59 EST (New York Time) Notification: August 13, 2010 Camera-ready: August 31, 2010
-------------------------------------------------------------- ORGANIZATION COMMITTEE -------------------------------------------------------------- Workshop Co-Chairs:
Victor C.M. Leung Department of Electrical and Compupter Engineering, University of British Columbia, V6T 1Z4, Canada Email: vleung@ece.ubc.ca
Yan Zhang Simula Research Laboratory & University of Oslo, Norway Email: yanzhang@simula.no
Min Chen School of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Korea Email: minchen@ece.ubc.ca
Program Committee: http://mmlab.snu.ac.kr/~mchen/asit2010/page3/page3.html
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Further information:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information regarding ASIT 2010 and paper submission, please contact dobby@mmlab.snu.ac.kr _______________________________________________ Tccc mailing list Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc