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Von: Bo Wei <>
Datum: 10. März 2024 um 14:59:14 MEZ
Betreff: [InternetTC] IEEE WoWMoM 2024: Call for Demos and Posters

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IEEE WoWMoM 2024: Call for Demos and Posters

June 04-07, 2024, Perth, Western Australia

Demo and Poster submissions links:

Poster submission:

Demo submission:

Important Dates:

Submission deadline: March 8, 2024

IEEE WoWMoM 2024 invites submissions of technical demonstrations and posters that exhibit innovative and original research. We seek contributions that validate significant research concepts or demonstrate practical applications. The topics of interest span a broad spectrum, including but not limited to:

• 5G/B5G/6G networks for mobile and multimedia services

• AI-assisted and data-driven networking in wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• Authentication, authorization, accounting for wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• Behavior-aware human-centric multimedia networks

• Communication technologies and services for MTC

• Connected vehicles: networking issues and services

• Content-centric architectures for wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• Context-awareness in wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• Dependability and survivability issues for wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• IoT-edge-cloud continuum for wireless, mobile, and multimedia networking and service

• Energy efficiency for wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• Integrated Access and Backhaul (IAB) multimedia networks

• Internet/Web of Things

• Localization, tracking, and mobility management and services

• Middleware services for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks

• Mobile big data networking and services

• Mobile social networks

• Modeling, analysis, and performance evaluation of wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• Network traffic characterization and measurements

• Participatory, mobile, and urban sensing

• Resource management and QoS/QoE provisioning

• Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) enabled multimedia networks

• Resource management and QoS/QoE provisioning

• Seamless inter-networking and self-organization

• Software-Defined Networking, Network Function Virtualization, and slicing for wireless and mobile networks

• System prototypes, measurements, real-world deployment, and experiences

• Trust and privacy issues for wireless, mobile, and multimedia networks

• Virtual mobile infrastructure

• Wearable Computing

• Wireless multimedia systems, services, and applications

We particularly encourage the following types of submissions:

• Demos of research related to accepted IEEE WoWMoM papers

• Demos and posters from student authors related to their research topics within the IEEE WoWMoM topics of interest

• Demos from experts from industry and academia showing the state-of-the-art within IEEE WoWMoM topics of interest

• Posters showing results of a work-in-progress paper

Demo and Poster Submission Instructions:

All posters/demos should be submitted electronically in PDF and be no longer than 3 pages in the IEEE double column proceedings format including tables, figures and references. Detailed guidelines are available in the IEEE submission instructions. Poster title must start with "Poster:" and Demo title must start with "Demo:" Note that the sessions for demos and posters will be held in person, requiring at least one author present to showcase the work. Should your demo necessitate special equipment or arrangements, include a detailed request in your submission for budget approval consideration.

Poster submissions should be made via EDAS using this link:

Demo submissions should be made via EDAS using this link:



Demo or poster paper submission deadline: March 8, 2024

Notification of acceptance: April 5, 2024

Camera-ready version: April 12, 2024

IEEE WoWMoM 2024 conference dates: June 4 - 7, 2024

IEEE WoWMoM 2024 Demo/Posters Co-Chairs:

• Sougata Sen (BITS Pilani Goa campus, India) –

• JeongGil Ko (Yonsei University, South Korea) -

Thanks and Best regards,
Dr Bo Wei
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
School of Computing
Newcastle University, UK

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