-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: ACM MobiHoc 2023 IoST-5G&B - 5th International Workshop on Recent Trends of Internet of Softwarized Things Datum: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 22:43:41 -0400 Von: Al-Sakib Khan Pathan sakib.pathan@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: Al-Sakib Khan Pathan sakib.pathan@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
5th International Workshop on Recent Trends of Internet of Softwarized Things (IoST-5G&B) in conjunction with ACM MobiHoc 2023 Washington DC, USA, October 23, 2023
URL: https://sites.google.com/view/mobihoc-iost-5gb-2023/home
The interest in Internet of Softwarised Things is evident from the growing number of conferences and workshops dedicated to the topic, as well as in special issues of journals including industrial applications (i.e., increased interest in the use of 5G across many applications and significant investment by different industries in their development).
This workshop will serve as a forum for sharing experiences and findings relating to protocol design, real testbeds, experimental evaluation, prototyping and empirical characterization of security, privacy, QoS, QoE and other relevant issues in IoST. This workshop will also focus on techniques, experiences and lessons-learned with respect to the state-of-art solutions for 5G and B5G and IoST along with some open challenges. The workshop welcomes regular papers and poster proposals for demonstrations of novel work / work-in-progress in this emerging technology. It is also encouraged to submit research works related to development of testbeds, measurement platforms, and innovative prototypes.
The workshop will also include: - Keynote speech given by a renowned researcher on the topic of IoST-5G & B5G - Birds-of-a-feather discussions, in groups aligned with the workshop themes - Poster/Work-in-progress papers - Best Paper: All the regular papers will be considered for the BEST PAPER AWARD TOPICS OF INTEREST
We seek original and high-quality submissions on, but not limited to, one or more of the following topics: - APIs, protocols and algorithms for the management of softwarized IoT - Low latency and Dynamic bandwidth allocation softwarized IoT - Security Measurements in softwarized IoT - Security in Network Slicing architectures - Blockchain in distributed SDN in 5G & B5G - AI/Machine learning for IoT - Federated Learning for softwarized edge networks 5G & B5G - Interpretable Machine Learning for softwarized networks in 5G & B5G - (De-)composition of virtualized network and service functions - Service Functions Chains (SFC) modeling, representation and management in 5G & B5G - Network slicing and slice management in 5G & B5G - Efficient network and service monitoring - QoS/QoE-based management and control in softwarized networks - Precision agriculture and softwarized IoT - Debugging and introspection of softwarized networks - Controller Placement Problems for softwarized networks in 5G & B5G - Energy Efficient IoST deployments for 5G & B5G - Intelligent Network Resource Allocation in 5G & B5G network - Edge, Dew, Fog Computing for softwarized networks in 5G & B5G - Network and service automation in 5G & B5G - Algorithms for efficient orchestration in 5G & B5G
July 12, 2023 - Paper Submission August 5, 2023 - Notification of Acceptance August 26, 2023 - Camera Ready and Registration October 23, 2023 - Workshop Date
Submissions must be original, unpublished work, and not currently under consideration elsewhere. Papers should not exceed 6 pages (US letter size) double-column including figures, tables, and references in standard ACM format. Papers must be submitted electronically in printable PDF form. Templates for the standard ACM format can be found at this link: http://www.acm.org/publications/article-templates/proceedings-template.html If you are using LaTeX, please refer to the sample file “sample-sigconf.tex” after you download the .zip templates file and unzip it. Note that the document class “\documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}” should be used. No changes to margins, spacing, or font sizes are allowed from those specified by the style files. Papers violating the formatting guidelines will be returned without review.
All submissions will be reviewed using a single-blind review process. The identity of referees will not be revealed to authors, but authors can keep their names on the submitted papers, on figures, bibliography, etc.
Dual Submission Policy
Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the ACM. Warning: It is ACM policy not to allow double submissions, where the same paper is submitted to more than one conference/journal concurrently. Any double submissions detected will be immediately rejected from all conferences/journals involved.
For SUBMISSION LINK, kindly keep an eye on this link: https://sites.google.com/view/mobihoc-iost-5gb-2023/submission
Workshop Chairs
Danda B Rawat, Howard University, USA, db.rawat@ieee.org Sachin Shetty, Old Dominion University, USA, sshetty@odu.edu Uttam Ghosh, School of Applied Computational Sciences, MMC, USA, ghosh.uttam@ieee.org Amrit Mukherjee, University of Bohemia, Czech Republic, amrit1460@ieee.org
Publicity Chair
Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, United International University (UIU), Bangladesh, spathan@ieee.org
Technical Program Committee
Pravin Mundra, Medtronic, USA Sidheswar Routray, Indrashil University, Mehsana, India. Sourav Banerjee, Kalyani Government Engineering, India. Debashis Das, Kalyani University, India Pushpita Chatterjee, Howard University, USA
=============================================================================== Regards, Sakib Publicity Chair
-- Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Ph.D., SMIEEE Editor-in-Chief: International Journal of Computers and Applications, Taylor & Francis, UK Editor-in-Chief: Journal of Cyber Security Technology, Taylor & Francis, UK Associate Editor: Connection Science, Taylor & Francis, UK ; IJCSE, Inderscience Editor: AHSWN, Old City Publishing, USA ; IJSNet, Inderscience ; MJCS All My Books: https://sites.google.com/site/spathansite/books
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering United International University (UIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh Email: sakib.pathan@gmail.com, spathan@ieee.org URL: https://sites.google.com/site/spathansite/
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