-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE WCNC 2015 workshop on Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things, and Internet of Things for Energy Efficiency (E2IoT 2015) Datum: Mon, 3 Nov 2014 14:45:01 +0100 Von: Gianluca Rizzo Gianluca.Rizzo@HEVS.CH Antwort an: Gianluca Rizzo Gianluca.Rizzo@HEVS.CH An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1st International Workshop on Energy Efficiency in the Internet of Things, and Internet of Things for Energy Efficiency (E2IoT 2015) New Orleans, LA, USA – 9-12 March, 2015 www.e2iot.com In conjunction with WCNC-2015 http://wcnc2015.ieee-wcnc.org/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
E2IoT 2015 Call For Papers ========================
This workshop aims at gathering researchers and developers from the fields of Internet of Things, Pervasive, Ubiquitous Computing and Green ICT to discuss the possibilities of new applications and services which decrease the carbon footprint of IoT, and which exploit IoT to reduce the carbon footprint of our society. The evolution of ICT has led to the diffusion of wireless personal devices, such as smart mobile phones, personal computers and wearable devices, designed to operate over the Internet. This, together with the exponential growth of the number of interconnected devices is leading towards the commonly called Internet of Things (IoT). Presently, a large share of the total energy consumption of the Internet takes place at the edge. This share is increasing with the progressive deployment of the IoT, which is reshaping the edge of the network, and which in the near future is bound to generate the large majority of traffic on the Internet. Though usually small and not power hungry, the sheer number of the devices composing the IoT will make them the highest contributors to total energy consumption in the ICT sector. For meeting the challenge of a greener Internet, therefore, a greener IoT is fundamental. This involves elaboration of new approaches at the device level (energy efficient, energy proportional devices) as well as at the system level (algorithms for energy efficient network services as well as application layers services provisioning). On the other side, the pervasiveness of sensing and computing capabilities in IoT is enabling a wealth of new applications for energy efficient management in almost all domains of human activity, from transportation to lighting, from waste management to the smart grid.
Important Dates =============== Paper submission due: 15 November 2014 Notification of decisions: 15 December 2014 Camera ready and registration due: 10 January 2015 Conference/Workshop dates: 9-12 March 2015
Topics ======
We invite submissions on a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to:
------------Energy efficient Internet of Things:
* Architectures and Middleware for energy efficiency in IoT * Energy-efficient sensing * Energy-efficient data and event management schemes * Energy-efficient fault tolerant networking * Energy-efficient Publish / Subscribe techniques * Energy-efficient End to End / Machine to Machine (M2M) protocols * Energy-efficient internetworking between Cloud computing and things * Energy-efficient hardware/software building blocks * Energy-efficient system design, engineering and integration for IoT * Energy-efficient Security, trust and Privacy in IoT * Experimental results of Green IoT solutions * Fog Computing * In-network processing * Cloud Computing and Internet of Things integration * Standards and regulations
-----------Internet of Things for Energy Efficiency:
*IoT for minimization of the energy consumption of other systems, including transportation, houses, buildings, industrial processes, and smart cities. * Energy efficient cloud computing, smart grids and emerging applications, * Sensor networks for energy efficiency in industrial/harsh environments * Vehicular networks to reduce the CHG emissions * IoT systems for a sustainable and green world * Energy efficient virtualization of resources * Energy efficient smart homes and energy monitoring * Applications in smart grids and smart and sustainable cities * Optimization of smart, homes, cities, societies, and networks * Collaborative environment * Crowd-energy
Submission ==========
All submissions should be written in English, including figures and references, using 10 font size, and numbering each page. 6 pages limit. Proceedings of E2IoT-2015 will be published by IEEE Xplore, and included in the IEEE WCNC proceedings.
Only PDF files will be accepted. All submissions must be done through:
Questions about the paper submission may be directed to the E2IoT 2015 TPC Chairs:
* Gianluca Rizzo, HES SO Valais, Switzerland, gianluca.rizzo@hevs.ch * Antonio Jara, HES SO Valais, Switzerland, antonio.jara@hevs.ch * Yann Bocchi, HES SO Valais, Switzerland, yann.bocchi@hevs.ch
Organisation Committee ======================
Workshop Chairs -------------- Gianluca Rizzo, HES SO Valais, Switzerland Antonio Jara, HES SO Valais, Switzerland, Yann Bocchi, HES SO Valais, Switzerland,
Program Committee Members -------------- Latif Ladid (IPv6 Forum and Univ. Luxembourg) Martin Serrano (DERI – Insight, Ireland) Philippe Cousin (eGlobalMarket, France) Franck Le Gall (eGlobalMarket, France) Mirko Presser (Alexandra Institute, Denmark) Alexander Gluhak (Intel, UK) Rodolfo de Paz Alberola (UTRC, Ireland) Michele Nati (Univ. Surrey, UK) Oscar Garcia (Philips Electronics Netherland B.V) Peter Kirstein (University College London, UK) Klaus Wehrle (R-W Tec. Hochschule Aachen, Denmark) Neeli Prasad (Aalborg University, Denmark) Joao Girao (NEC Europe Ltd, Germany) Srdjan Krco (Dunavnet, Serbia) Boris Pokric (Dunavnet, Serbia) Victoria Moreno (Universidad de Murcia, Spain) Joel Rodrigues (Univ. Beira Interior, Portugal) Ved Kafke (NICT Japan, Japan) Dominique Genoud (HES-SO, Switzerland) Heeyoung Jung (ETRI Korea) Yoshihiro Ohba (Toshiba Japan) Yunchuan Sun (Beijing Normal University, China) Diego Lopez-de-Ipina (DeustoTech, Spain) José Bravo (UCLM, Spain) Luis Muñoz (Universidad Cantabria, Spain) Luis Sánchez (Universidad Cantabria, Spain) Massimo Villari (Univ. of Mesina, Italy) Maria Victoria Bueno (Univ. Pol. Cartagena, Spain) Francesc Campà (CIMNE, Spain) Walter Colitti (Inxition, Belgium) Ivan Delamer (Inicotech, USA) Wolfgang Kastner (T.Univ. Vienna, Austria) Rob Kranenburg (Internet of People, Netherlands) Gregorio Martin (Telefonica Digital, Spain) Maria Martinez (Sergas, Spain) Nabil Benamar (Moulay Ismail University, Morocco) Dhananjay Singh (Hankuk Univ. Stud, South Korea) Florian Michahelles (Siemens, USA) Vittorio Miori (CNR, Italy) Jin Mitsugi (Internet Research Lab, Japan) Jose Manuel Pastor (UCLM, Spain) Antonio Puliafito (Univ. of Mesina, Italy) Domenico Rotondi (TXTGroup, Italy) Jorge Sa Silva (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal)
Contact ======= Please feel free to contact us through antonio.jara@hevs.ch, and gianluca.rizzo@hevs.ch . ==============================================
Gianluca Rizzo Senior Researcher, Institute IIG - Sierre (VS)
Tel: +41 27 606 9006 Skype ID: gianluca_rizzo
Email : gianluca.rizzo@hevs.ch http://www.hevs.ch HES-SO Valais-Wallis ● Techno-Pôle 3 ● 3960 Sierre ( http://www.hevs.ch/GoTP ) +41 27 606 90 01 ● info.iig@hevs.ch ● www.hevs.ch
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