CFP: SWANSITY 2014- Self-organizing Wireless Access Networks for Smart cITY
In conjuction with SECON 2014 <<<<<
June 30th, 2014
Important dates
Submission deadline: March 31st, 2014 Notification of acceptance:April 30th, 2014 Camera Ready: May 12th, 2014 Program: June 1st, 2014
The SWANSITY workshop aims to solicit contributions on novel algorithms, methodological studies and experimentations on how to make a city-wide network infrastructure able to self-adapt to the dynamic requirements posed by the users and by the applications, to manage the complexity of heterogeneous devices and access technologies, and to guarantee robust, ubiquitous, and secure connectivity over the urban environments. At the same time, beside studying the issues of the city-wide infrastructure deployment, the workshop aims to investigate the potential provided by the end-users devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets) when augmented with self-organization capabilities, in order to turn them into active components of the smart-city network, instead of mere connection end-points. Such a potential includes the possibility to extend the network access in a pervasive way, to provide ubiquitous computing services, and to favor the emergence of “collectivity intelligence behaviors” ! through collaboration and direct communication among devices. In line with such objectives, original contributions are solicited in topics of interest including, but not limited to, the following:
- Models of network components’ interactions on a smart-city - Techniques and tools for modeling self-organizing wireless networks on large-scale urban environments - Self-organizing wireless networks for pervasive urban access - Self-organizing and self-repairing wireless networks for disaster recovery - Dynamic resource allocation schemes for urban environments - Evolutionary design of wireless network components and devices - Enabling technologies and algorithms for self-configuring wireless nodes - Self-organizing femtocell and cognitive radio networks - Cooperative Smart Objects supporting Wireless Networks Interoperability - Decision making strategies for software defined radio devices - Emerging collective intelligence in self-organizing wireless networks - Network virtualization for heterogeneous wireless networks - Bio-inspired models for self-organizing wireless networks - Controlled mobility algorithms for self-placing wireless networks - Self-organizing networks through Device-2-Device technology (D2D) - Business model to promote users collaboration and resources sharing - Security, Privacy and Trust issues in Self-organizing wireless networks
Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical paper by the deadline of 31 March 2014. Submissions will be accepted through EDAS (http://edas.info/N16973). All submissions must be written in English and be at most six (6) printed pages in length, including figures. For full details, please visit the following website: https://sites.google.com/site/swansity2014
TPC Co-Chairs
Gianluca ALOI, University of Calabria, Italy Marco DI FELICE, Univesity of Bologna,Italy Valeria LOSCRI', Inria Lille-Nord Europe, FUN, France Pasquale PACE, University of Calabria, Italy Giuseppe RUGGERI, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy
Steering Committee Emanuele VITERBO, MONASH University Giancarlo FORTINO, UNICAL- Italy
TPC Members Kaushik Roy Chowdhury, Northeastern University, USA Claudia Campolo, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy Yue Gao (Frank), Queen Mary University of London, UK Yi Hong, Monash University, Australia Antonio Iera, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy Wenfeng Li, Wuhan University of Technology, China Antonio Liotta, TU/e, Netherlands Karnouskos Stamatis, SAP, Germany Pietro Manzoni, UPV -Valencia, Spain Pedro Jose Marron, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Nathalie Mitton, Inria Lille-Nord Europe, FUN, France Antonella Molinaro, University of Reggio Calabria, Italy Enrico Natalizio, Compiegne,Technology, University, France Tahiry Razafindralambo, Inria Lille-Nord Europe, FUN, France Anna Maria Vegni, University of Roma Tre, Italy Mengchu Zhou, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA