NOTE: Due to numerous requests the deadline has been extended
Communications Software and Services Symposium June 14.-18. 2009, Dresden, Germany
Important Dates (see ICC 2009 homepage) --------------- Paper Registration Deadline: September 17, 2008 (extended) Paper Upload Deadline: September 27, 2008 (extended) Acceptance Notification: January 15, 2009 Camera-Ready Papers: March 1, 2009
Description ----------- The Communications Software and Services Symposium covers challenges and advances for service support and delivery in fixed and mobile communication networks. These topics are particularly relevant for researchers, developers and industries in the areas of networking and services covered by many Technical Committees. The symposium will follow ICC2009 instructions for paper submission, review, and session construction. Papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of Communications Software and Services are solicited for submission to the symposium.
Topics of Particular Interest -----------------------------
* Fixed and mobile service platforms o Mobile Services and Service Platforms including IMS o Fixed Mobile Convergence o Home Network Service Platform o Triple-Play and Quadruple-Play * Multimedia applications and services including VoIP, IPTV, Gaming o Multimedia delivery over wired and wireless networks o Cross-layer optimization for multimedia service support o Multicast, Broadcast and IPTV o Media streaming o Peer-to-Peer services * Software and Protocol Technologies for advanced service support o Web Services and distributed SW technology o Distributed systems and applications, including Grid Services o Peer-to-Peer technologies for communication services o Service overlay networks o Context Awareness and Personalization * Network and Service Management and Provisioning o Multimedia QoS provisioning o Quality of Experience for End-to-End Communications o End-to-end Quality of Service Routing algorithms o Service Creation, Delivery, Management o Network Management o Virtual home environment o Charging, pricing, business models
Sponsoring Technical Committees ------------------------------- IEEE ComSoc Internet TC IEEE ComSoc Communications Software TC
Instructions for Authors ------------------------ Papers must represent high-quality and previously unpublished work. Original research papers are solicited in all areas of communication software and services. All submissions will be handled electronically through the EDAS conference management system at edas.info and must be in pdf format, with a maximum length of five pages. For details please see http://www.comsoc.org/confs/icc/2009/cfp_submission_proc.html
IEEE ICC 2009 CSS Symposium Co-Chairs -------------------------------------- Wolfgang Kellerer, DOCOMO Euro-Labs (Germany) Pascal Lorenz, University of Haute Alsace (France) Giovanni Pau, University of California at LA (USA) Lars Wolf, TU Braunschweig (Germany)