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Call for Papers

5th International Workshop on Next Generation Networking Middleware (NGNM) 2008
(part of MANWEEK 2008, September 22-26)
September 24, Samos Island, Greece

In this workshop, we seek original, unpublished papers on different
aspects of middleware technologies for enabling Next-Generation Network
(NGN) services and applications. Topics of submission include, but are not limited to:
* Middleware architecture for converged networks
* NGN middleware for triple play and quad play services
* NGN middleware for ad hoc, mobile and wireless services
* Middleware for NGN mobility support
* NGN middleware adaptation to underlying technologies (e.g., cellular, metropolitan area
  and short range systems)
* Resource Allocation and Heterogeneous Network Access in Converged Networks
* NGN middleware for content distribution infrastructures and services
* Middleware for peer-assisted carrier-grade content delivery.
* Publish/subscribe middleware
* Scalable, adaptive, and self-managing aspects of middleware
* Converged networks policy-based management, monitoring, and control
* QoS provisioning, service differentiation, accounting, and billing
* Identity management infrastructures and anonymity support infrastructures
* Trust, security and privacy issues
* Presence and contextual data management
* NGN middleware for context-aware applications
* NGN middleware for collaborative/P2P applications
* NGN middleware for enterprise applications
* Middleware support for NGN inter-networking and interoperability with non-NGN systems
* Middleware for distributed experimental test beds with real or virtual components
* Web Service/Grid-enabled middleware for converged networks
* Service modeling and composition
* Service deployment and orchestration
* Programming paradigms, Web 2.0, and mashups

Important Dates
Paper Registration:     May 10 2008
Submission:              May 17 2008
Notification:            June 20 2008
Camera ready:   June 30 2008
NGNM 2008:               September 24 2008
Conference:              September 22-26 2008
Web Page:

Workshop  Co-Chairs
Thomas Magedanz, TU Berlin / FOKUS, Germany
Markus Muck, Infineon, Germany
Lambros Sarakis, NCSR "Demokritos", Greece

Paolo Bellavista, Ph. D.
Associate Professor in Computer Science Engineering
EB Member of IEEE Communications and IEEE T. Services Computing
DEIS - Università degli Studi di Bologna
Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY)
Tel# +39-051-2093866; Fax# +39-051-2093073