-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE PIMRC 2006: Call for Participation! Datum: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 15:54:09 -0500 Von: ComSocConferences ComSocConferences@comsoc.org Antwort an: Conferencesx@comsoc.org An: Conferencesx@comsoc.org
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17th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 2006 Helsinki, Finland / 11-14 September 2006 / http://www.pimrc2006.org/www.pimrc2006.org
Don�t miss this exciting peer-to-peer networking opportunity that includes a call for papers, proposals for tutorials, workshops and special sessions on rising wireless technologies! Please plan to participate!
This annual Telecommunications event has received world-wide attention and acclaim. Hosted by three Finnish universities, more than 900 paper submissions from 50 countries are expected by the submission deadline on 1 March 2006.
PIMRC�06 is a meeting ground for specialists contributing to "Diversity in Telecommunications" � the theme for PIMRC�06. Leading experts from industry, academia and regulatory bodies all have their share in making the event a truly quality one. On the other hand, PIMRC also offers a wonderful opportunity for young researchers to present and participate in an international forum. A number of measures will be taken in the planning process in order to further increase the exchange of information between specialists and in order to ensure the extent of "Diversity" at the event.
The PIMRC �06 program will focus on elements that allow participants from academia, industry and other types of organizations to select paths of most interest. Program attributes include, among others, tutorials of high quality and panel discussions based on controversial topics. The exchange of information will be stressed in the presentation of key research activities in different parts of the world. Also the latest regulatory achievements will be discussed in technical sessions. All of these features contribute to the aspects offered on "Diversity in Telecommunications."
Full paper submissions: 1 March 2006 Notification of acceptance: 29 May 2006 Author registration: 16 June 2006 Camera ready submission: 23 June 2006
Authors are invited to submit full papers (maximum 5 pages) electronically in PDF format. For all submissions, please use the template available on the website. * Call for papers: http://www.pimrc2006.org/cfp_pimrc_06.pdfhttp://www.pimrc2006.org/cfp_pimrc_06.pdf
* Paper Submission: http://www.pimrc2006.org/papersubmission.htmlhttp://www.pimrc2006.org/papersubmission.html
The PIMRC 2006 organizing committee invites you to submit proposals for tutorials, workshops and special sessions on rising wireless technologies. Deadline: 1 March 2006. For more information, please contact:
Prof. Matti Latva-aho Technical Program Chair, PIMRC 2006 mailto:pimrc2006@ee.oulu.fipimrc2006@ee.oulu.fi
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