-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CPS IoT Week 2023: Call for Papers/Call for Workshop, Tutorial and Competition Proposals Datum: Thu, 29 Sep 2022 00:10:30 +0000 Von: Ashwin Ashok 0000001eb235cee5-dmarc-request@COMSOC-LISTSERV.IEEE.ORG Antwort an: Ashwin Ashok aashok@GSU.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week
San Antonio, Texas USA,
May 9-12, 2023
Website: https://cps-iot-week2023.cs.utsa.edu/
Social Media:
CPS-IoT Week is the premier event on Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet-of-Things. It is planned as an in-person event and will be held on the Main Campus of The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). CPS-IoT Week brings together five top conferences (HSCChttps://hscc.acm.org/2023/, ICCPShttps://iccps.acm.org/2023/, IoTDIhttps://conferences.computer.org/iotDI/2023/, IPSNhttps://ipsn.acm.org/2022/, and RTAShttp://2023.rtas.org/), multiple workshops, tutorials, and competitions.
All conferences in CPS-IoT Week 2023 have the same submission deadline and date for notification. Please refer to the specific conference webpages for more information on other review/conference specific deadlines (e.g., rebuttal phase, multiphase reviews etc.)
Important Dates
* Deadline of Submission: October 31, 2022 * Notification: January 20, 2023 * Conference dates: May 9-12, 2023
Researchers both from academia and industry are invited to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials to be held as part of CPS-IoT Week 2023 in San Antonio, Texas, USA on May 9-12, 2023.
Important Dates
* Deadline of Submission of Proposal: December 2, 2022 * Notification of acceptance: December 9, 2022 * Workshop/Tutorial/Competition dates: TBD (will be during May 9-12, 2023) * List of CONFERENCES and Summary of Scope (refer to each corresponding conference webpage for list of topics and other details on scope and submission instructions)
* HSCC - 26th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Controlhttps://hscc.acm.org/2023/
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC) 2023 is the 26th in a series of conferences focusing on original research on concepts, tools, and techniques from computer science, control theory, and applied mathematics for the analysis and control of hybrid dynamical systems, with an emphasis on computational aspects. By drawing on strategies from computation and control, the hybrid systems field offers techniques that are applicable to both man-made cyber-physical systems (ranging from small robots to global infrastructure networks) and natural systems (ranging from biochemical networks to physiological models). Papers in the conference are expected to range over a wide spectrum of topics from theoretical results to practical considerations, and from academic research to industrial adoption.
* ICCPS - 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systemshttps://iccps.acm.org/2023/
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) is the premier forum for presenting and discussing the most significant recent technical research contributions in the field of CPS. In addition to the general track, we invite papers to be submitted to two new tracks of ICCPS 2023: (i) CPS for Social Good, and (ii) CPS Industrial Applications.
* General Track calls for papers with substantial technical research contributions to foundational CPS science, motivated by one or more CPS applications. * CPS for Social Good Track calls for papers that are driven by a societal need and describe the application, societal impact and innovations along with the description of technical contributions. * Industrial Applications Track calls for papers describing an industrial application and practice of CPS. It is expected that at least one co-author of a submitted paper should have industrial affiliations.
* IoTDI - 8th ACM/IEEE Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementationhttps://conferences.computer.org/iotDI/2023/
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things Design and Implementation (IoTDI) is a premier venue on IoT. In 2023, IoTDI will be held for the 8th time, and will be part of CPS-IoT Week 2023https://cps-iot-week2023.cs.utsa.edu/, in San Antonio, TX.
New in 2023: The Internet of Things has changed! Over the last decade, significant and exciting advances in the research landscape have redefined the vision, frontiers, and challenges of IoT research. In 2023, we re-imagine the conference to reflect these fast-paced advances. While all historic IoT topics remain definitely welcome, we would like to draw special attention to the following five growth areas that have recently reshaped our field (in particular, since the emergence of this conference):
Machine learning, and emergence of edge AI: In the last decade, advances in AI/ML have revolutionized many fields. In IoT, where distributed applications run on limited edge-hardware and interact with physical context, this meant new challenges, such as reducing the resource footprint of AI/ML, model complexity reduction, improved latency/quality trade-offs, novel neural network architectures for the edge, prioritization of machine attention, early exit neural networks, federated learning, data augmentation (for IoT data modalities), embedding multimodal data, (physical world) representation learning, learning in the frequency domain, semantic IoT data compression, edge-cloud load balancing, resilience, privacy, and many more. Those topics are becoming central to the future smart IoT.
The emergence of AR/VR and metaverse-inspired research: Very recently, large corporations, such as Facebook, have invested in a new type of digital connected world, where people, things, and algorithms seamlessly interact. Their investments redefine what a future Internet of Things might look like. Novel challenges in realizing this futuristic vision include low-power compute platforms for augmented reality, ability to build high-fidelity digital twins, high fidelity simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), platforms for data collection for ML, low-latency display systems for AR. We call for original contributions that address these challenges.
The proliferation of digital twins for networked “things”: Popularized by NASA’s attempts to improve physical-model simulation, and re-introduced into recent visions of future social connectivity, such as the metaverse, digital twins are envisioned to become commonplace for a growing majority of future network physical things. Challenges in maintaining them include ultra-low-latency interfaces, data synchronization, low-resource operation, edge-cloud coordination, and applications in both industrial and social contexts.
The exponential growth of machine-generated data: The proliferation of IoT devices and machine-generated data have created a world where data volume grows exponentially (by more than an order of magnitude per decade). What does that imply for the network and back-end architecture of future IoT applications, from industrial to social? What future data services are needed to support IoT systems? What is the impact on storage, access, and other data needs, such as semantic summarization? In short, what back-end challenges are introduced by the IoT data explosion?
IoT Security: The IoT offers novel security challenges. It is a backdoor for unwanted manipulation of physical things. Its scale has recently enabled massive botnets to fuel many high-profile DDoS attacks. Its protection, nevertheless, is not straightforward due to the significant resource limits of individual devices. In the US (among other nations), the Department of Homeland Security prioritized addressing the challenge of securing the IoT to prevent threats to physical infrastructure and public safety. IoTDI recognizes security as a core research problem in the IoT space.
In addition to the above emphasized areas, the conference remains a venue for exchange of ideas on a broad range of other IoT topics motivated by a world, where the boundaries between cyber, physical, and social realms are blurred, smart cities grow, fed by millions of data points from multitudes of human and physical sources, machine intelligence algorithms extract value for a growing list of novel applications, cyber-attacks become more nefarious as digital connectivity exposes physical vulnerabilities, and novel social media platform concepts seamlessly integrate humans, avatars, physical devices, and digital twins, redefining what an Internet of connected “things” looks like. Collectively, these developments continue to shape our quickly evolving field. This conference remains an interdisciplinary forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to discuss challenges, technologies, and emerging directions in IoT system design and implementation. This conference invites original, previously unpublished work on a broad range of IoT topics.
* IPSN - 22th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networkshttps://cps-iot-week2023.cs.utsa.edu/events.php The International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN) is a leading annual forum on research in networked sensing and control, broadly defined. IPSN brings together researchers from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss recent advances in both theoretical and experimental research. Its scope includes signal and image processing, information and coding theory, databases and information management, distributed algorithms, networks and protocols, wireless communications, collaborative objects and the Internet of Things, machine learning, mobile and social sensing, and embedded systems design. Of special interest are contributions at the confluence of multiple of these areas.
* RTAS - 29th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposiumhttp://2023.rtas.org/
RTAS is a top-tier conference with a focus on systems research related to embedded systems and time-sensitive systems. RTAS’23 invites papers describing original systems, applications, case studies, methodologies, and algorithms that contribute to the state of practice in design, implementation, verification, and validation of embedded systems or time-sensitive systems. RTAS’23 consists of two tracks:
* Track 1. Systems and Applications. * Track 2. Applied Methodologies and Foundations.
The broad scope of RTAS’23 ranges from traditional hard real-time systems to embedded systems without explicit timing requirements. In both tracks, the timing requirements of interest include not only classical hard real-time constraints, but also time-sensitive applications in a broader sense, including applications subject to probabilistic, soft real-time, quality-of-service (QoS), or latency requirements. The application area can be either resource-constrained embedded systems or other time-sensitive systems of any size, including (but are not limited to): time-sensitive cloud/edge/fog computing systems, time-sensitive applications in the Internet of Things (IoT), time-sensitive mobile computing apps, timing aspects in robotics middleware and frameworks, machine learning in or for time-sensitive systems, real-time control in smart cities and other large cyber-physical systems (CPS), signal processing algorithms that must execute in real time, and real-time healthcare solutions.
CPS-IoT Week 2023 Organizing Committee:
General Chairs
Al Mok, University of Texas at Austin, USAhttps://www.cs.utexas.edu/~mok/mok.html
Dakai Zhu, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAhttp://www.cs.utsa.edu/~dzhu/
Finance Chair
Nathan Fisher, Wayne State University, USAhttps://engineering.wayne.edu/profile/dx3281
Industrial Liaison & Sponsorship Chairs
Siobhan Fleming, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/siobhan-fleming-phd-9216498
Mina S. Guirguis, Texas State University, USAhttps://userweb.cs.txstate.edu/~mg65/home.html
Workshop/Tutorial and Competition Chairs
Madhur Behl, University of Virginia, USAhttps://engineering.virginia.edu/faculty/madhur-behl
Christian Dietrich, TU Hamburg-Harburg, Germanyhttps://osg.tuhh.de/People/dietrich/
Wan Du, University of California, Merced, USAhttps://www.ucmerced.edu/content/wan-du
Publication Chair
Hyoseung Kim, University of California, Riverside, USAhttps://intra.ece.ucr.edu/~hyoseung/
Publicity Chairs
Ashwin Ashok, Georgia State University, USAhttps://cas.gsu.edu/profile/ashwin-ashok/
Nicola Paolette, King's College of London, UKhttps://nicolapaoletti.com/
Qingling Zhao, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Chinahttps://scholar.google.com/citations?user=dC2JtaAAAAAJ&hl=en
Web Chairs
Zhishan Guo, North Carolina State University, USAhttps://www.csc.ncsu.edu/people/zguo32
Jung-Eun Kim, North Carolina State University, USAhttps://jungeunkim.wordpress.ncsu.edu/
Rocky Slavin, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAhttps://galadriel.cs.utsa.edu/~rslavin
Social Media Chair
Bo Wei, Lancaster University, UKhttps://www.lancaster.ac.uk/security-lancaster/about/all-staff/bo-wei
Student Travel Award Chair
Fanxin Kong, Syracuse University. USAhttps://sites.google.com/site/fanxink
Local Arrangement Chair
Jeff Prevost, University of Texas at San Antonio, USAhttps://ceid.utsa.edu/electrical-computer/team/jeff-provost/
Conference Chairs
HSCC Program Chairs
Dejan Nickovic, Austrian Inst. of Tech, Austriahttps://sites.google.com/view/nickovic
Ricardo San Felice, UC Santa Cruz, USAhttps://hybrid.soe.ucsc.edu/home
ICCPS General Chairs
Nalini Venkatasubramanian, UC Irvine, USAhttps://nalini.ics.uci.edu/
Sayan Mitra, UIUC, USAhttps://mitras.ece.illinois.edu/
ICCPS Program Chairs
Abhishek Dubey, Vanderbilt University, USAhttps://scopelab.ai/
Lu Feng, University Of Virginia, USAhttps://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lufeng/
IoTDI General Chairs
Tarek Abdelzaher, UIUC, USAhttp://abdelzaher.cs.illinois.edu/
Weisong Shi, Wayne State University, USAhttps://www.weisongshi.org/
IoTDI Program Chairs
Nirupama Bulusu, Portland State University, USAhttp://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~nbulusu/
Shahriar Nirjon, UNC Chapel Hill, USAhttp://www.cs.unc.edu/~nirjon/
IPSN General Chair
Xiaofan (Fred) Jiang, Columbia University, USAhttp://fredjiang.com/
IPSN Program Chairs
Maria Gorlatova, Duke University, USAhttps://maria.gorlatova.com/bio/
Wen Hu, University Of New South Wales, Australiahttps://sites.google.com/site/wenhuunsw/home
RTAS General Chair
Heechul Yun, University of Kansas, USAhttps://ittc.ku.edu/~heechul/
RTAS Program Chair
Iain Bate, University Of York, UKhttps://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~ijb/
Ashwin Ashok Director of Mobile and Robotics Systems Experiential Research Lab (MORSE Studio) Associate Professor and Associate Graduate Director, Department of Computer Science & Affiliate in Neuroscience Georgia State University 25 Park Place NE, Suite 734 Atlanta, GA 30303 http://ashwinashok.comhttp://ashwinashok.com/ https://gsumeetings.webex.com/meet/aashok
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/