Dear Colleagues,
The 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM 2009) will take place on June 22nd - 24th 2009, in Hannover, Germany.
The aim of this conference is to bring together the state of the art research contributions that address the various aspects of cognitive wireless systems and technologies, including a broad range of communications, networking and implementation issues.
Please note that the date of CROWNCOM 2009 falls in the week immediately following another important communications event, the IEEE Communications Conference (ICC 2009), to be held in Dresden, Germany, on June 14th-18th, 2009.
The Call for Papers (CFP) for CROWNCOM 2009 can be found in plain text below, and the more detailed pdf version of the CFP is also included as an attachment. The URL for the conference website is www.crowncom2009.org, which will be updated periodically.
It would be great if you could post this announcement in your lab, department, or institution, and pass it to your colleagues as appropriate.
We are using multiple conference mailing lists for disseminating this conference announcement, and apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of the email.
Best regards,
Ozgur Oyman, Intel Research CROWNCOM 2009 Publicity Chair (USA)
### CROWNCOM 2009 4th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications June 22nd - 24th 2009, Hannover, Germany
### Brief description The owned spectrum allocation model in use today is believed to be obsolete. Firstly due to its intrinsic principle of fixed resource allocation that leads to a supposed spectrum scarcity, later revealed to be a question of non-efficient utilization. Secondly comes into play the need of introducing new wireless applications and services, which have experienced a huge growth in the last couple of decades, and are now supposed to cope with a multitude of already deployed standards. Both scenarios motivate the use of dynamic spectrum access in order to turn primary licensed networks into dynamic spectrum access networks (DSANs). This lends itself to cognitive radio, an enabling technology that will benefit several types of players and help to implement a more efficient approach regarding spectrum requirements in the future.
The aim of this conference is to bring together the state of the art research contributions that address the various aspects of cognitive wireless systems and technologies, including a broad range of communications, networking and implementation issues. We seek original and unpublished work not currently under review by any other journal, magazine or conference.
### Topics of interest Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Track 1 - New Trends - Regulations, standardization and implementation for Cognitive Radio - Dynamic spectrum access networks (DSANs): o Secondary markets o Business models o Industrial role - Trust and security mechanisms
Track 2 - Interference and Coexistence Analysis - Interference metric modeling - Beamforming, MIMO and anti-jamming channel coding as interference avoidance strategies - Radio resource management and dynamic spectrum sharing - Spectrum sensing mechanisms and protocol support - Wireless network co-existence - Ultra-Wideband cognitive radio systems
Track 3 - Networks - Game theory applied to mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) - Self-organizing mesh networks and autonomic communications - Applications of cognitive networks (e.g. emergent and public safety networks) - Bio and AI-inspired algorithms - New architectures and platforms for cognitive radio & software defined radio - Radio access protocols and algorithms for the PHY, MAC, and Network layers - Cross-layer cognitive algorithms - Quality-of-service provisioning
Track 4 - Research Projects - Cognitive Radio & Networks related projects are invited to present their work at CrownCom 2009.
### Co-Sponsors Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), Germany Institute of Communications Technology, LUH, Germany Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (ICST)
### Technical Co-Sponsors The European Association for Signal and Image Processing (EURASIP) Center for Research and Telecommunication Experimentation for Networked Communities (CREATE-NET)
### Important Dates Manuscript submission deadline: February 23, 2009 Tutorial proposals deadline: February 23, 2009 Special session proposals deadline: November 3, 2008 Notification of decision: April 20, 2009 Camera-ready deadline: May 4, 2009
### Instructions for Authors Papers must represent high quality and previously unpublished work, not currently under review by another conference, workshop, or journal. All submissions will be handled electronically through the TrackChair conference management system at http://www.trackchair.com/ and must be in pdf format, with a maximum length of five pages. Papers must be written in English. A formatting template may be found at http://www.crowncom2009.org/p/Conference/Author-s-Kit/ . Technical paper submission will start: 3rd November 2008.
### CROWNCOM 2009 co-Chairs Thomas Kaiser, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany Markus Fidler, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Contact: info@crowncom2009.org
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