-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Von: Dr Mario Kolberg mko@cs.stir.ac.uk Gesendet: Fri Nov 16 17:47:08 MEZ 2012 An: "tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu" tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu Betreff: [Tccc] CFP 2nd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Consumer Health Care Networks, Systems and Services (MobiCHeSS’13) at IEEE ICC 2013
*Call for Papers** *2nd IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Consumer Health Care Networks, Systems and Services (MobiCHeSS’13) Held in conjunction with IEEE ICC 2013, Budapest, Hungary
*Goals and Topics** *Healthcare providers from around the globe are currently faced with significant challenges due to an exponential rise in costs, increased demand for services, and limited access to financial and human resources. This is directly linked to the fact that people are living longer with an expected 761 million of us being over the age of 65 by 2025. This will increase the risk of chronic disease and other co-morbidities amongst the elderly and estimates suggest that treating this particular group of people currently accounts for 78% of all healthcare expenditure (over a trillion US dollars per year) with spending expected to be $4.3 trillion in 2018 compared to $27.5 billion in 1960. Whilst increasing life expectancy is at an all-time high, it has become difficult to sustain. One suggestion is that quality of life and life expectancy can be increased through healthy aging and lifestyle choices. Positive behavioural changes will empower people and support the prevention of acute episodes, including the provision of provide better services that are tailored to people’s healthcare needs. This presents a unique opportunity were the use of information and communications technology could be used to support the delivery and management of healthcare services. Building on advances in Smartphone technologies and wireless communications it is possible to bridge the gap between people and medical facilities and transform healthcare services and clinical intervention within the community. These technologies, as well as allowing us to make a phone call, text a friend, or update our social networking site, provide access to vital data about a person that can be collected and analysed to support research, medical and healthcare education, and clinical practice with less reliance on secondary care (hospital admissions).
Empowering people in the community, particularly the aging population, allows them to evaluate lifestyle choices and to take control of their own healthcare needs. Diseases, such as diabetes and obesity are often caused by an accumulation of unmonitored health-related choices, such as poor nutrition and lack of exercise, which occur over decades rather than weeks or months. Smartphones, body sensors, and wireless communications provide the necessary tools to host community healthcare services and applications capable of real-time monitoring and analysis of lifestyle choices. Using digital diaries, social networking, SMS, amongst other technologies, makes it possible to manage adherence and provide education about relevant medical conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, sexual health, poor nutrition and the lack of exercise. All this will have the ability to empower people and encourage personal consumer healthcare beyond what is currently possible.
Nonetheless, due to the criticality of healthcare and the complex coordination and delivery of healthcare services it is not surprising that we have not seen widespread adoption of mobile ICT in health. The healthcare domain is sensitive to change and this will require new processes, methodologies and tools, and this comes at a time when sustainable health is becoming increasingly more difficult. From a technical perspective, a number of challenges still remain and form part of the topics under this call for papers. The workshop seeks workshop proposal submissions (consisting of a paper) on all theoretical and practical aspects of mobile consumer healthcare networks, services and applications, as well as experimental studies of fielded systems on topics including, but not limited to, those shown below:
• Mobile applications for elderly healthcare • Mobile applications for adherence monitoring in aggressive treatment regimens • Mobile devices for healthcare • Scalability, performance and reliability of mobile healthcare apps • Mobile interfaces for data Visualization • Mobile devices for patient monitoring • Ad hoc and wireless sensor systems and networks • Mobile data management and processing • Mobile and wireless technologies for healthcare applications • Radio-Frequency (RFID) wireless technology in medical devices • Wireless Identification and Services Platform (WISP) for mobile healthcare • Medical Device Control via Wireless Technology • Safe, Effective, Secure and Reliable Use of Wireless Technology in healthcare • Wearable and implantable sensors • Sensor Networks for ubiquitous and pervasive healthcare • Health specific wireless communication protocols in healthcare (WMTS, IMS, MICS) • Wireless Body Area Networks • Consumer Healthcare (cHealth) • Stream reasoning algorithms for behaviour and activity monitoring
*Guidelines for Submission** *Submitted papers must represent original material that is not currently under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been previously published. Paper length should not exceed five-page technical paper manuscript length (maximum 1 additional page with over-length page charge if accepted). http://www.ieee-icc.org/2013/submguide.html The paper should be used as the basis for a 20 - 30 minute workshop presentation. Papers should be submitted in a .pdf or .ps format by selecting ICC'13 on the EDAS paper submission website and then selecting the workshop submission link or by going directly to http://edas.info/N13443 All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc). At least one author of accepted papers is required to register at the full registration rate.
*Important Dates** *Paper Submission: 8 January 2013 Accept. Notification: 22 February 2013 Camera-Ready Paper: 5 March 2013 Workshop: June 2013
*Workshop co-Chairs** *Dr Paul Fergus, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Dr Mario Kolberg, University of Stirling, UK