-------- Original Message -------- Subject: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 12:37:00 -0400 From: Amin Vahdat vahdat@CS.DUKE.EDU Reply-To: Amin Vahdat vahdat@CS.DUKE.EDU Organization: Duke University To: SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE@ACM.ORG
SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting (1-Apr-2003) ____________________________________________________________
1. Announcements DISC 2003 09-Apr-2003 http://www.dia.unisa.it/DISC2003 MobiSys 2003 05-May-2003 http://www.usenix.org/mobisys03 WCW 22-May-2003 http://2003.iwcw.org/ WMCSA 23-May-2003 http://wmcsa2003.stanford.edu ACM SIGMETRICS 10-Jun-2003 http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/sigm2003 DOA'2003 15-Jun-2003 http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/doa/2003 IWLSGC 30-Jun-2003 http://ltiwww.epfl.ch/~pedone/workshop.html WORM 01-Jul-2003 http://pisa.ucsd.edu/worm03/
2. About this list How to subscribe, unsubscribe, and submit requests for announcements.
More information about SIGOPS can be found at the SIGOPS webpage: http://www.acm.org/sigops
To view the HTML version of this page, go to: http://www.acm.org/sigops/announce/current.html ____________________________________________________________
Title: 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing Deadline: 09-Apr-2003 Webpage: http://www.dia.unisa.it/DISC2003 Conference: October 1-3, 2003 Synopsis: Original contributions to the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of distributed systems and networks are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: distributed algorithms and their complexity; fault-tolerance of distributed systems; consistency conditions and synchronization; multiprocessor/cluster architectures and algorithms; cryptographic and security protocols for distributed systems; distributed operating systems; distributed computing issues on the internet and the web; distributed systems management; distributed applications such as databases, mobile agents, electronic commerce, and peer-to-peer networks; communication network architectures and protocols; specification, semantics, and verification of distributed systems. For more info see the webpage (www.dia.unisa.it/DISC2003).
Title: The First International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services Deadline: 05-May-2003 Webpage: http://www.usenix.org/mobisys03 Conference: May 5-8, 2003
Synopsis: MobiSys 2003 is a new forum for presenting the best cutting-edge research on supporting, enabling, and coping with mobility in systems software, applications, and services. Presentations, tutorials, demo & poster sessions, and BOFs will cover the latest innovations in many important areas, including: security, location management, application support, mobile architectures, sensor networks, energy management, analysis of mobile networks, application mobility, systems techniques for solving mobility problems.
Keynote: Bob Brodersen of the Berkeley Wireless Research Center and the University of California at Berkeley. MobiSys 2003 is jointly sponsored by the USENIX Association and ACM SIGMOBILE in cooperation with ACM SIGOPS. ____________________________________________________________
Title: 8th International Web Content Caching and Distribution Workshop Deadline: 22-May-2003 Webpage: http://2003.iwcw.org/ Conference: 30 September - 2 October, 2003 in Beijing Synopsis: Since 1996, this workshop has served as the premiere forum for researchers and industry technologists to exchange research results and perspectives on future directions in Internet content caching and content delivery. This year we are especially interested in issues of massive scale: the impact of geography on caching and replication; the role of caching and data transfer in Internet-wide grid computing; global peer-to-peer file transfer and storage; and other topics consistent with the history of the workshop and the evolution of web caching and content delivery.
Title: Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems & Applications Deadline: 23-May-2003 Webpage: http://wmcsa2003.stanford.edu Conference: WMCSA 2003, Oct. 9-10, 2003, Santa Cruz, CA Synopsis: The Fifth IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications is the latest in a series of high-quality, interactive forums for discussion on all aspects of mobile computing systems and applications. We solicit submissions that primarily focus on applications, systems, and environments. Submissions describing new lower-level technologies are welcome if they focus on how the technology is being used or integrated into a system or application. Hard submit deadline is 5/23/2003. Full CFP and info at http://wmcsa2003.stanford.edu
Title: Call For Participation: ACM SIGMETRICS Deadline: 10-Jun-2003 Webpage: http://www.crhc.uiuc.edu/sigm2003 Conference: June 10-June 14 Synopsis: SIGMETRICS 2003, San Diego, California
The 2003 ACM SIGMETRICS Conference on the Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems takes place June 10-14, 2003 in San Diego, California, as part of ACM's Federated Computing Research Conference (FCRC).
Further information about ACM SIGMETRICS 2003 is available at:
Information about FCRC is available at:
Title: Fifth International Symposium on Distributed Objects and Applications Deadline: 15-Jun-2003 Webpage: http://www.cs.rmit.edu.au/fedconf/doa/2003 Conference: November 3-7, 2003 Synopsis: Are you building applications using distributed-object technology? Are you doing research in distributed object-based systems? Are you using existing distributed-object systems? In other words: are you actively involved in distributed objects and applications (DOAs)?
Consider contributing a practice report or a research paper to this innovative event to present, discuss and obtain feedback for your ideas among other practitioners and researchers active in the same area.
Title: International Workshop on Large-Scale Group Communication Deadline: 30-Jun-2003 Webpage: http://ltiwww.epfl.ch/~pedone/workshop.html Conference: 10/05/2003 Synopsis: For more than a decade now, group communication has been an active research area providing basic mechanisms for the design of dependable distributed systems. Even though a lot of effort has been dedicated to developing efficient group communication principles and systems, it is widely accepted that to be deployed adequately in large-scale settings, some of the existing concepts should be revisited.
This one-day workshop seeks contributions related to the design and implementation of group communication systems for large-scale applications and environments. ____________________________________________________________
Title: ACM Workshop on Rapid Malcode (WORM) Deadline: 01-Jul-2003 Webpage: http://pisa.ucsd.edu/worm03/ Conference: WORM/October 27th, 2003 Synopsis: In the last several years, Internet-wide infectious epidemics have emerged as one of the leading threats to information security and service availability. The vehicle for these outbreaks, malicious codes called "worms", leverage the combination of software monocultures and the uncontrolled Internet communication model to quickly compromise large numbers of hosts. The goal of this workshop is to bring together ideas, understanding and experience bearing on the worm problem from a wide range of communities including academia, industry and the government. We are soliciting original papers from researchers and practitioners alike.
The SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE mailing list is intended to provide a low-volume channel that provides operating systems researchers and practitioners with information about upcoming events or other important announcements. In general, a message containing a group of such announcements will be sent about once per month with the subject line "SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE monthly posting". On rare occasions, announcements of particular interest or urgency will be sent out with a different subject line, starting with "SIGOPS-ANNOUNCE supplemental posting" (for readers who wish to use mail filtering programs.) Finally, this mailing list is made available for use by publicity chairs of SIGOPS-sponsored conferences and the SIGOPS officers.
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To request that an announcement be included in these mailings, go to http://www.cs.duke.edu/~albrecht/acm.html. ____________________________________________________________
-Amin Vahdat, SIGOPS Information Director