Von: "Paul J. Kuehn" <paul.j.kuehn@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de>
Gesendet: Wed Dec 19 18:19:59 MEZ 2012
An: elg@nets.rwth-aachen.de, itg521@tu-chemnitz.de, mmb@ira.uni-karlsruhe.de, itg524-announce@listserv.uni-stuttgart.de
CC: Hermann.deMeer@uni-passau.de
Betreff: [KuVS ELG] NetSys-Workshop "Smart Grid as a Distributed System" - Call for Contributions

Dear friends,

the Smart Grid will be an example of a huge and complex distributed
system with unsolved problems of architecture, control, security, risk and
performance. Information technology and computer science play a key roll
for the solution of these problems. It is therefore of great importance to
study the related research problems ahead of time.

NetSys is an excellent occasion to meet and discuss the problems, methods
and experiences of the Smart Grid as a Distributed System.

Please notice the attached Call for Contributions which appears also on the
NetSys Website www.netsys2013.de. Please forward the Call for Contributions
to experts who may contribute to the Workshop.

Wishing you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Paul. J. Kuehn


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. mult. Paul J. Kühn
Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering
University of Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 47
70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Tel.: +49 711 685 68027, Fax: +49 711 685 67983
e-mail: paul.j.kuehn@ikr.uni-stuttgart.de; www.ikr.uni-stuttgart.de

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