-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Comsoc-ETC-sub-IOT] [CFP] ACM CoNEXT 2013 - Student Workshop, Deadline September 26, 2013 Datum: Mon, 09 Sep 2013 14:08:56 +0200 Von: Aline Carneiro Viana aline.viana@inria.fr Organisation: INRIA An: IoT list comsoc-etc-sub-iot@ipv6forum.com
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this Call for Paper (CFP).]
Student Workshop at ACM CoNEXT 2013
http://conferences.sigcomm.org/co-next/2013/workshops/student/index.html December 9, 2013 - Santa Barbara, California
*********************************************************************************** IMPORTANT DATES Abstract Submission: September 26, 2013 Acceptance Notification: October 17, 2013 Camera Ready: October 22, 2013
Following the success of previous years, the main conference will be preceded with a one-day Student Workshop. The ACM CoNEXT 2013 Student Workshop aims at providing a platform for graduate students in the area of computer networks to present their ongoing research efforts. The venue also represents a unique opportunity for students to network with other young researchers as well as more experienced ones, receive constructive feedback, guidance, tips, and learn about cutting-edge research problems being tackled by the community. As previous years, we will have a keynote lecture and a panel from distinguished researchers in the networking community.
We encourage submissions from graduate students about research at an early stage and for more advanced dissertation-level research. The submission should describe the research in 2 pages and indicate whether this is early-stage (i.e., a Work In Progress submission) or dissertation research (i.e, a PhD Forum submission) for potential presentation at the ACM CoNEXT 2013 Student Workshop. Research that addresses non-standard topics and controversial problems and approaches is of particular interest. The scope of the workshop is broad and covers all aspects of networking research. Example topics include (but not limited to): * Internet measurement and modeling * Wireless networks * Mobile and cellular networks * Mesh, ad hoc and sensor networks * Economic aspects of the Internet * Network security * Datacenter networks * Peer-to-peer, overlay and content distribution networks * Online social networks * Routing and traffic engineering * Network management, including energy issues * Interface between networking, communications and information theory * New networking protocols and architectures * Applications of network science in communication networks
Please follow the ACM CoNEXT 2013 Formatting Guidelines EXCEPT for the following two differences: - Papers are limited to TWO (2) pages plus references only. Note that the two page limit includes ALL figures, tables but does not include references. - Please provide only author name and affiliation; it is not necessary to add PAPER ID and number of pages.
Abstracts can be submitted at: http://crp.mytestbed.net/studentconext13/
*********************************************************************************** ORGANISING COMMITTEE
Co-Chairs: * Aline Carneiro Viana, INRIA * Phillipa Gill, Stony Brook University * Guillaume Jourjon, NICTA
TPC Members: * Ibrahim Amadou INRIA, FRANCE * Danilo Ardagna Politecnico di Milano, ITALY * David Choffnes University of Washington, USA * Alberto Dainotti CAIDA/UC San Diego, USA * Jeffrey Erman AT&T Labs -- Research, USA * Mauro Fonseca Pontifical Catholic University of Paran¡ (PUC-PR), BRAZIL * Monia Ghobadi Google, USA * Pan Hui The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, HONG KONG * Junda Liu Google, USA * Emmanuel Lochin ISAE, FRANCE * Olaf Maennel Loughborough University, UK * Olivier Mehani NICTA, AUSTRALIA * Mubashir Rehmani COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, PAKISTAN * Vinay Ribeiro IIT Delhi, INDIA * Damien Saucez INRIA, FRANCE * Fabian Schneider NEC, GERMANY * Julinda Stefa Sapienza University of Rome, ITALY * Shobha Venkataraman AT&T Labs -- Research, USA * Artur Ziviani National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), BRAZIL * Ítalo Fernando Scotá Cunha Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), BRAZIL ***********************************************************************************