-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [IEEE WoWMoM 2020] PhD Forum - Call for Contributions Datum: Tue, 5 May 2020 08:27:00 +0100 Von: Ana Aguiar anaa@fe.up.pt
Dear colleague, if you have PhD students in need of discussing their topic in a broader forum, do consider this venue.
Best, Ana
PH.D. Forum co-located with WoWMoM
August 31 - September 3, 2020 Cork, Ireland
AIMS AND SCOPE IEEE WoWMoM 2020 will host a Ph.D. forum. The forum will offer: - a constructive environment for doctoral students to discuss their ongoing work with a panel of experienced researchers in the field; - an opportunity for the participants to initiate a personal network with both other Ph.D. students and research experts outside of their own group.
The forum will be structured as a series of short presentations by the students, followed by individual discussions and feedback. The panelists will also offer their experience and advice on how to carry out a successful Ph.D. and start a career as a researcher. In addition, the participants are also expected to present a poster in a poster session open to the attendees of WoWMoM main conference in order to increase the visibility of their ongoing work and gather further feedback.
Areas of interest: * Ad-hoc, mesh and vehicular wireless networks * Content-centric architectures for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks * Context-awareness in wireless, mobile and multimedia networks * Cognitive communications and networking * Deep learning/ Machine learning for wireless and mobile networking * Dependability and survivability issues for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks * Energy-efficiency for wireless, mobile and multimedia network * Internet/Web of Things * Localization, tracking, and mobility management and services * Intersection between mobile/wireless research, cloud computing, edge computing and software-defined networking * Mobile health networking * Mobile network traffic characterization and measurements * Mobile social networks * Modeling, analysis, and performance evaluation of wireless, mobile and multimedia networks * Network virtualization and software-defined wireless networks * 5G networks and applications * Opportunistic and delay-tolerant networks * Participatory, mobile and urban sensing * Resource management and QoS/QoE provisioning * RFID, NFC, backscatter communication * Visible light communication and systems * Wake-up radios * Long-range/Low-power wide-area wireless networking * Low-latency networking * Wireless BAN, PAN, LAN, MAN and WAN * Wireless multimedia systems, services and applications * Satellite and space networking * Security, trust and privacy issues for wireless, mobile and multimedia networks * System prototypes, measurements, real-world deployment, and experiences
Students in the middle stages of their Ph.D. (no less than six months after starting, and no less than six months before finishing) are encouraged to submit a 2-page extended abstract about their research. While the Ph.D. forum is primarily a venue to present ongoing rather than completed work, in this abstract, the Ph.D. thesis statement should be clearly identified including the problem addressed, the contribution expected to the field, the methodology chosen, the results achieved so far, and the work planned ahead. The abstract shall also include a short paragraph with information on how long they have been in the Ph.D. program, the expected timeline towards graduation, and the name of the supervisor(s). The student should be the sole author, although contributions of others (e.g., the advisor) should be acknowledged. Submissions will be reviewed by the Ph.D. forum committee to ensure quality, relevance, and potential benefit from attendance to the forum. Authors of accepted submissions are expected to participate in person in the forum. Accepted submissions will be published as part of the main conference proceedings.
IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: May 11, 2020 Acceptance notification: May 25, 2020 Camera-Ready version due: June 5, 2020 Conference Dates: August 31 - September 3, 2020
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submissions must be in PDF format, written in English, adhere to the WoWMoM formatting guidelines, and contain no more than 2 pages including figures, tables, and references. Submissions must include the student name, affiliation, and email address on the first page. Papers must be submitted electronically through EDAS.
PH.D. FORUM CHAIRS Ana Aguiar, University of Porto (UP) and Instituto de Telecomunicaes (IT), Portugal Ramona Marfievici, Digital Catapult, UK
PH.D. FORUM COMMITTEE - Confirmed Ashwin Ashok, Georgia State University, USA Carlo Alberto Boano, TU Graz, Austria Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Politecnico de Torino, Italy Marilia Curado, University of Coimbra, Portugal Miguel Luis, Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa/Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal Amy Murphy, Bruno Kessler Foundation, Italy Andrea Passarella, IIT-NRC, Italy Olga Saukh, TU Graz / CSH Vienna, Austria Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, University of New Mexico, USA
MORE INFORMATION For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Ph.D. forum chairs Ana Aguiar (ana.aguiar AT fe.up.pt http://fe.up.pt) or Ramona Marfievici (ramona.marfievici AT alumni.unitn.it).