-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for Papers - IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments 2014 Datum: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 04:07:37 -0400 Von: IEEE eNoticeenotice@ieee.org Antwort an: no_reply_enotice@ieee.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
2014, 30-31 October IEEE International Conference on Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments 2014 http://sites.ieee.org/wisee/
Dear Colleagues,
The International IEEE WiSEE Conference Organizing Committee wishes to remind you that only a few weeks remain for submitting your work on wireless technologies to the conference. We are looking forward for your submission.
========================================================================= Scope Spaceflight involves critical sensing and communication in extreme environments such as planetary surfaces, space vehicles, and space habitats. The many challenges faced in space sensing and communication are extremely diverse and overlap significantly with those found in many terrestrial examples of extreme environments such as extreme hot or cold locations, extreme high- or low-pressure environments, critical control loops in aircraft and nuclear power plants, high-speed rotating equipment, oil/gas pipelines and platforms, etc. All of these environments pose significant challenges for radio-frequency or optical wireless sensing and communication and will require the application of a broad range of state of the art technologies in order to generate reliable and cost effective solutions. Although the specific challenges vary significantly from environment to environment, many of the solutions offered by sensing, communication, and statistical signal processing technologies can be applied in multiple environments, and researchers focusing on space applications can benefit greatly from understanding the problems encountered and solutions applied in alternative environments.
This IEEE conference will bring together investigators from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), the European Space Agency (ESA), and other space agencies, along with aerospace and space defence industries and academic researchers, in an effort to understand and solve the emerging problems facing wireless sensing and communication in space and related extreme environments.
========================================================================= Areas of Particular Interest Papers and posters are sought that address solutions to problems in all areas of wireless sensing and communication in space and extreme environments related to spaceflight, including but not limited to the following: -Low-power active wireless sensors, systems, and networks -Passive wireless sensors, systems, and networks -RFID devices and systems -Protocols and architectures for delay and disruption tolerant networking -Network architectures, middleware integration, and data management -Cognitive radio networks -Localization and tracking over wireless links -Antenna design, smart antennas, beam forming, and multiple-antenna techniques -Propagation modelling for planetary surfaces and complex multipath environments -Wireless and cyber security -Optical communication systems -Availability, certification, and spaceflight qualification for wireless devices and systems -Integrated vehicle systems
========================================================================= Important Dates Paper/poster submission (Firm Deadline): July 01, 2014 Acceptance notification: August 01, 2014 Final Paper submission and Registration opens: August 07, 2014 More information on the website: http://sites.ieee.org/wisee
========================================================================= Organizing Committee General Co-Chair: Jean-Francois Dufour, European Space Agency (ESA) General Co-Chair: Stephen Braham, Simon Fraser University, Canada Executive Co-Chairs: Charles Rubenstein, Pratt Institute, USA Executive Co-Chairs: Amir Aghdam, Concordia University, Canada TPC Co-Chairs: Ali Abedi, University of Maine, USA TPC Co-Chairs: Richard Barton, NASA Johnson Space Center TPC Co-Chairs: Carl Debono, IEEE Region 8 Europe/Africa/Middle-East Publications Chair: Ronald Brown, Telecom Consultant, USA Advisor: Raymond Wagner, NASA Johnson Space Center Acting Treasurer: Charles Rubenstein, Pratt Institute, USA Webmaster: Susanna Spinsante, Univ. Politecnica d. Marche, Italy
========================================================================= Financial co-sponsors: IEEE USA, IEEE Region 8, IEEE Region 7, IEEE UFFC and IEEE Benelux Technical co-sponsors: COMSOC, CRFID
============================================================ IEEE Region 8: http://www.ieee.org/r8/
Manage your IEEE Communications Preferences: https://www.ieee.org/profile/commprefs/showcommPrefpage.html ============================================================
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