ICT for Sustainability
The 2nd International Conference on ICT for Sustainability will be held in Stockholm, Sweden 24-27 August 2014. The conference is organized by
CESC, Centre for Sustainable Communications in cooperation with
VU University Amsterdam.
ICT and transformational change
ICT for sustainability is about utilizing the transformational power of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for making our world more sustainable - increasing quality of life for
ever more people without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs. This year’s theme is therefore ICT and transformational change.
Call for papers, posters, workshops
The ICT4S Steering Committee invites researchers and practitioners to submit original papers and posters for review and presentation. To find out more about the conference theme and topics visit the website at
Paper submission process
Prior to submission, please read the ‘Call for papers’ section of the conference
All papers must conform, at time of submission, to the IEEE Formatting Guidelines. Full papers are limited to max 6,500 words, and 10 pages including text, appendices, figures and references. Make sure that you use this MS Word
template or the LaTeX class template.
The deadline for submission of paper abstracts is 21 February 2014 and
full papers must be submitted no later than 28 February 2014. The submitted abstracts will be used to distribute review assignments, and submitting an abstract is thus mandatory in order to submit a paper.
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
We welcome posters corresponding to the conference theme & topics.
More information and guidelines will be available later on at the conference website (http://2014.ict4s.org/call-for-posters/).
Submit you Poster no later than 14 April 2014.
Topics Include, but are not limited to, the following examples that all ought to discuss sustainability implications:
- smart cities
- ICT-induced societal change
- e-waste and closed material cycles
- ICT-practices and lifestyles
- intelligent energy management in buildings
- ICT and design
- smart homes and offices
- smart grids
- education in ICT for sustainability
- intelligent transportation and travel information
- green monitoring and adaptation of software-intensive systems and services
- energy efficient software
- software for environmental sustainable ICT
- software for sustainable business governance
- improved service lives of hardware products
- material resources used in production
- reduced hardware obsolescence
- incentives for more sustainable ICT
- tools supporting green decision making and development
- challenges for an environmentally sustainable ICT industry
- systematic interdisciplinary efforts in ICT for Sustainability
The calls are also available for download