-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE Wireless Communications - 1st March 2019, Feature Topic on Future Communication Trends towards Internet of Things Services and Applications Datum: Tue, 22 Jan 2019 15:41:20 +0100 Von: Christos Verikoukis cveri@CTTC.ES Antwort an: Christos Verikoukis cveri@CTTC.ES An: tccc-announce@comsoc.org
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IEEE Wireless Communications
Special Issue on Future Communication Trends towards Internet of Things Services and Applications
In this Feature Topic (FT), researchers from academia and practitioners from industry are invited to submit their innovative research on future communication architectures and protocols to support IoT services and applications. This FT aims at addressing advances in research on future communication and networking technologies, covering topics ranging from enabling technologies to emerging applications and industrial experiences. Potential topics include, but not limited to the following:
§ IoT communication architectures, standards and protocol stacks
§ Innovative middleware, frameworks and services for coordinating devices in IoT networks
§ Communication security and privacy for IoT networks
§ Interoperability and dynamic adaptation of IoT networks
§ Practical and innovative applications of IoT networks, including smart cities, intelligent transportation systems and e-health
§ IoT enabling technologies, including low power and energy harvesting, machine-type communications, radio frequency identification, sensors, wireless sensor networks, real-time systems, and embedded software
§ Things-centric, data-centric, and service-centric architecture
§ Optical communications for IoT
§ State-of-the-art reviews on future communication trends and IoT
Papers’ Submission
Prospective authors should prepare their submissions in accordance with the rules specified in the Information for Authors of the IEEE Wireless Communications guidelines (http://www.comsoc.org/wirelessmag/authorguidelines ). Authors should submit a PDF version of their complete manuscript to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-wcm .
Important Dates
Submission deadline: March 1, 2019
Initial Decision: June 1, 2019
Revised Manuscript Due: July 1, 2019
Final Decision: August 15, 2019
Final Manuscript Due: September 1, 2019
Publication: December 2019
Guest Editors:
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues, National Institute of Telecommunications – Inatel, email: joeljr@ieee.org
Sohail Jabbar, National Textile University, email: sjabbar@ntu.edu.pk
Mohamed Abdallah, Hamid Bin Khalifa University, email: moabdallah@qf.org.qa
Christos Verikoukis, Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia, email: cveri@cttc.es
Mohsen Guizani, University of Idaho, email: mguizani@ieee.org
Christos Verikoukis, Ph.D.
Fellow Researcher
Telecommunications Technological Centre of Catalonia
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss 7
08860 Castelldefels