-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] ACM SenSys 2011: Joint call for contributions for workshops! Datum: Sun, 29 May 2011 19:44:32 +0200 Von: Anna Förster anna.foerster@supsi.ch An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu, omnetpp@googlegroups.com, tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu, contiki-developers@lists.sourceforge.net CC: Kamin Whitehouse whitehouse@virginia.edu
Second International Workshop on Sensing Applications on Mobile Phones at ACM SenSys 2011 November 1, 2011 Seattle, USA http://research.microsoft.com/phonesense2011
*** 3rd ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings http://buildsys.org/2011 Seattle, WA - November 1, 2011
First International Workshop on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services for Healthcare at ACM SenSys 2011 November 1, 2011 Seattle, USA http://chad.illinois.edu/mHealthSys2011/index.html
Second International Workshop on Sensing Applications on Mobile Phones at ACM SenSys 2011 November 1, 2011 Seattle, USA http://research.microsoft.com/phonesense2011
Mobile phones provide a widespread platform for deploying sensing applications. Multiple factors, including the large number of sensors on phones, proximity to user’s immediate environment, broadband connectivity, ability to use cloud resources to sense, mine, and learn human behaviors, and ability to provide personalized feedback, make the phone a compelling sensing platform. Example sensing application domains include personalized information delivery, context and location-aware services, healthcare, games, social networks, and entertainment, safety, and mobile business.
The PhoneSense workshop promotes exchange of ideas among academic and industrial researchers in research areas such as sensing, mobile computing, energy efficiency, data management, data mining, machine learning, inference, privacy, incentive modeling, and user experience design. The focus is on hot topics, position papers, novel ideas, in-progress work, enabling technologies, and emerging applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
· Novel applications · Personal health monitoring using mobile phones · Incentive models for mobile data collection · Mobile cloud and sensing interfaces · Mining large-scale sensor and location data · Persuasion models and personalized feedback to users · Privacy · Participatory sensing, crowdsourcing, and opportunistic sensing · Activity recognition, subjective sensing, and machine learning · Programming models · Deployments and campaigns at scale · Integration of on-phone and off-phone sensing · Novel mobile sensor accessories · Geo-targeting and location-aware services · Data quality issues
[Call for Papers in PDF: http://research.microsoft.com/phonesense2011/PhoneSenseCFP.pdf ]
Program Chairs: Aman Kansal (Microsoft Research) Deepak Ganesan (UMass Amherst)
Steering Committee Andrew Campbell (Dartmouth College) Deborah Estrin (UCLA) Jie Liu (Microsoft Research)
Technical Program Committee: Prabal Dutta (UMichigan) Deborah Estrin (UCLA) Raghu Ganti (IBM) Santosh Kumar (UMemphis) Nicholas Lane (MSR Asia) Paul Lukowics (UPassau) Bhaskaran Raman (IIT B) Romit Roy Choudhury (Duke) Mani Srivastava (UCLA) Jun Yang (Nokia)
Important Dates Paper Submission: July 25, 2011 Notification: September 12, 2011
For submission details, see the workshop website: http://research.microsoft.com/phonesense2011
Call for papers and demos: ACM BuildSys 2011, in conjunction with ACM SenSys 2011
3rd ACM Workshop On Embedded Sensing Systems For Energy-Efficiency In Buildings
Seattle, WA - November 1, 2011
Important dates: * Paper and Demo subsmission deadline: July 30, 2011 * Notification of acceptance: August 31, 2011 * Camera Ready Due: September 15, 2011 * Workshop date: November 1, 2011 * Date of Demo session: TBD
Technically co-sponsored by ACM[1]. Submissions will be peer-reviewed. The proceedings will be archived in the ACM Digital Library.
*** New this year: Demo session! ***
The World is increasingly experiencing a strong need for energy consumption reduction and a need for efficient use of scarce natural resources. Official studies report that buildings account for the largest portion of World's energy expenditure and have the fastest growth rate. Clearly, energy saving strategies that target energy use in buildings and surroundings can have a major impact worldwide, driving the current energy market toward self-sufficiency and self-sustainability. This calls for effective techniques and methods that enable accurate carbon foot printing, monitoring and control of appliance activity, energy auditing and management in buildings and surroundings and the generation of energy awareness.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) play a key role in enabling energy-saving systems in buildings and surrounding spaces by providing a reliable, cost-effective and extensible solution that can be placed in existing as well as new structures and can be controlled via the Internet. In fact, WSNs allow the monitoring of the energy consumption in near-real time and, as such, they are an essential tool in the control loop that will be used in future structures for the generation and usage of diverse types of energy.
We solicit both papers AND demos that focus on new techniques and technologies capable of improving the global energy efficiency of buildings leveraging connected sensing systems, networks, and devices. We are particularly interested in contributions related to:
* Increase energy awareness and reduce consumption by leveraging on sensing systems/social networking/mobile phones, novel visualization and other forms of media to convey relevant information to users;
* Systems that can influence building occupant behaviour towards a more parsimonious usage of electricity, gas, heating, water, etc.;
* Monitor and actuate appliances in residential and industrial settings (e.g. data centres, HVAC, etc.)
* Monitor and control of alternative energy sources aiming at an increase of production efficacy;
* Model and simulate heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation, water usage and other energy flows in buildings and surrounding spaces through the combination of real data from sensors and popular energy simulation tools such as Energy Plus and TrnSys;
* Create innovative tools to model and visualize energy expenditure and production (from, e.g., solar panels, wind turbines);
* Integrate sensor-based systems to improve grid operation and energy distribution (electricity, gas, water);
* Sensor systems for the identification of appliances in industrial and home environments, which can be used to estimate the energy usage/production model and to predict future demands;
Successful papers will clearly demonstrate how much energy is reduced by the authors' contribution, either through real-world results or credible simulation and analysis of an energy problem. Papers should consider the entire energy system, including any effects on occupant behaviors, production efficiency, peak load and smart grid architectures, sustainability, pollutants, and total energy usage.
Demo abstracts should describe both the technology being showcased as well as the user experience of the demo. Submissions must include a separate section for the demo script that specifically describes how users will interact with the demo.
Accepted papers and demo abstracts will appear in the workshop proceedings and will be electronically published by ACM. For submission instructions please refer to the workshop website.
General Chair * Antonio Ruzzelli, University College Dublin, Ireland
Steering Committee * Antonio Ruzzelli, University College Dublin, Ireland * David Culler, University of Berkeley, US * Michele Rossi, Universita di Padova, Italy * Alberto Cerpa, University of California Merced, US
Publication Chair * Rasit Eskicioglu, University of Manitoba, Canada
Demo Chair * Fred Xiaofan Jiang, Microsoft Research, China
Web Chair * Anthony Schoofs, University College Dublin, Ireland
TPC Chairs * Kamin Whitehouse, University of Virginia, US * Rajesh Gupta, UC San Diego, US
TPC * Yuvraj Agarwal (UCSD, US) * Dagnachew Birru (Philips Research, US) * Michael Brambley (PNNL, US) * Alberto Cerpa (UCMerced, US) * Adam Dunkels (SICS, SE) * Anthony Schoofs (UCD, IE) * Prabal Dutta (Michigan, US) * Peter Fuhrmann (Philips Research, NL) * Clas Jacobsen (United Technologies, US) * Xiaofan Jiang (Microsoft Research, CH) * Younghun Kim (IBM, US) * Tommaso Melodia (SUNY, US) * Sotiris Nikoletseas (UPatras, GR) * Guy Newsham (NRC, CA) * Dirk Pesch (CIT, IE) * Raj Rajkumar (CMU, US) * Andrew Rice (UCambridge, UK) * Michele Rossi (UniPD, IT) * Anthony Rowe (Carnegie Mellon, US) * Andreas Savvides (Yale, US) * Thomas Schmid (Utah, US) * Mani Srivastava (UCLA, US)
[1] Approval from ACM is pending.
First International Workshop on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services for Healthcare
at ACM SenSys 2011 November 1, 2011 Seattle, USA http://chad.illinois.edu/mHealthSys2011/index.html
Call for Papers --------------- --------------- The first International Workshop on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services for Healthcare solicits innovative and original research papers related to mobile systems as applied to healthcare and wellness. We explicitly encourage submissions related to real deployments and experiences with practical systems. We are interested in, but not limited to, the following research topics on healthcare:
Wearable sensors Mobile sensing devices Limitations of sensing (e.g. sampling rate, types of sensing related to healthcare and wellness monitoring) Energy issues Security and privacy issues Communication challenges (in healthcare based mobile systems) Data quality monitoring and robustness (in the mobile environments) Realtime sensor data processing on mobile devices Sensor data analytics Healthcare and wellness applications on mobile devices User (patient/medical professional) needs and its impact on system design Real-life deployments/practical experiences
Accepted papers will appear electronically in the ACM proceedings.
Call for Demos -------------- -------------- We are also soliciting demos that showcase innovative and novel mobile sensor systems for healthcare. The scope of work is described above. Demo submissions should be up to 2 pages (including Tables, Figures, and References). Submissions should describe innovative ideas and systems related to mobile systems, applications, and services for healthcare. Detailed description of the demo is expected.
Accepted demos will appear electronically in the ACM proceedings.
Important Dates --------------- --------------- Paper Submission Deadline: August 08, 2011, 11:59 pm EST Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 09, 2011 Final camera ready version: October 07, 2011
Accepted papers and demos will be included in the ACM electronics proceedings.
mHealthSys 2011 Organizing Committee ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
General Chair ------------- Raghu Ganti (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Program Chairs -------------- Santosh Kumar (UMemphis) Kenneth Watkin (UIUC)
Steering Committee ------------------ Raghu Ganti (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) Santosh Kumar (UMemphis) Mani Srivastava (UCLA) Kenneth Watkin (UIUC) Liangzhao Zeng (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Technical Program Committee --------------------------- Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC) Mustafa al'Absi (UMN) Andrew Campbell (Dartmouth) Tanzeem Choudhary (Dartmouth) Emre Ertin (OSU) Raghu Ganti (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) Stephen Intille (MIT and Northwestern) Zbigniew Kalbarczyk (UIUC) Thomas W. Kamarck (U. Pittsburgh) David Kotz (Darmouth) Santosh Kumar (UMemphis) Wendy Nilsen (OBSSR, NIH) Kevin Patrick (UCSD) Thambapillai Srikanthan (NTU, Singapore) Soundararajan Srinivasan (Bosch Research) Mani Srivastava (UCLA) John Stankovic (UVa) Lakshman Tamil (UTDallas) Kenneth Watkin (UIUC) Liangzhao Zeng (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
For submission details, please see the workshop website: http://chad.illinois.edu/mHealthSys2011/index.html
-- Dr. Anna Förster PostDoctoral Researcher Networking Laboratory, SUPSI Via Cantonale, Galleria 2 Manno, Switzerland Tel. + 41 58 666 6597 http://www.dti.supsi.ch/~afoerste/
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc