-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] WISH-08: First Call for Papers Datum: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 23:09:28 +0200 Von: Damien Sauveron damien.sauveron@xlim.fr An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
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The 2nd International Workshop on Intelligent systems and Smart Home (WISH-08)
Sydney, Australia, December 10-12, 2008
Smart Home Environments (SHE) are emerging rapidly as an exciting and promising new area. In SHE, intelligent systems need to be deployed to provide user-centric services that can remotely access and control information appliances in the workplace as well as at home. In addition, the systems should provide services to enable working at home, remote education, remote diagnosis, on-line shopping, network gaming, and so forth to improve people’s quality of life.
WISH-08 is a successor of the 2007 International Workshop on Intelligent Systems and Smart Home, Niagara Falls, Canada, August, 2007. The goal of this Workshop is to bring together the researchers from academia and industry as well as practitioners to share ideas, problems and solutions relating to all aspects of intelligent systems and smart home. To meet this end, we invite you to submit a paper for a presentation relevant to the core focus of WISH-08.
Workshop Topics (including but are not limited to the following)
I. Intelligent Systems - Ubiquitous and Artificial Intelligence - Environment sensing / understanding - Information retrieval and enhancement - Knowledge acquisition, engineering, discovery and representation - Mobile / Wearable intelligence - Data mining and Semantic web - Computer-aided education Entertainment - Metrics for evaluating intelligent systems - Frameworks for integrating AI and data mining
II. Smart Home - Wireless sensor networks (WSN) / RFID application for SH - Smart Space (Home, Building, Office) applications and services - Smart Home network middleware and protocols - Context Awareness for Smart Home Services - Multimedia Security and Services in SH - Security Issues for SHE - Access control and Privacy Protection in SH - Forensics and Security Policy in SH - WSN / RFID Security in SH - Commercial and industrial systems & applications for SH
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS and PUBLICATION - Both research and industrial papers are solicited. - The format of the manuscript can be obtained on the workshop web site http://www.sersc.org/WISH2008. - The papers must be submitted electronically through workshop web site. - The publication of a paper requires at least one of the authors to fully register and present at the conference. - Manuscripts that are previously published or being considered for publication elsewhere are not eligible to be considered for publication. - All the accepted papers of the WISH-08 will be published by IEEE CS. After a peer-review, some of the presented papers in WISH-08 will be published in a special issue of an international journal. - Distinguished papers accepted and presented in WISH -08, after further revisions, will be published in special issues on International Journal of Smart Home (IJSH) and Journal of Supercomputing.
Important Dates - Paper Submission deadline June 08, 2008 - Notification of Acceptance August 31, 2008 - Final Manuscript Due Sept 15, 2008
Contact Please send e-mail to wish2008[at]gmail.com, PC Chairs or visit the workshop website at http://www.sersc.org/WISH2008 for further information.