-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Fwd: CFP: COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) - 2016 Datum: Tue, 26 May 2015 11:11:11 -0400 Von: Aveek Dutta aveekd@PRINCETON.EDU Antwort an: Aveek Dutta aveekd@PRINCETON.EDU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Dear Members,
This is a call for papers for COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) - 2016 to be held in Bangalore, India. It is a premier venue for discussing strong research topics in networking and communication systems that attracts participation from various leading institutions from across the world. Attached is the CFP, deadlines and the organizing committee. Please consider submitting to the venue and we look forward to your participation.
Regards, Aveek Dutta Postdoctoral Research Associate Department of Electrical Engineering Princeton University
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The Eighth International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS (COMSNETS) will be held in Bangalore, India, during January 5-9, 2016. COMSNETS is a premier international conference dedicated to advances in Networking and Communications Systems. The conference is a yearly event for a world-class gathering of researchers from academia and industry, practitioners, and business leaders, providing a forum for discussing cutting edge research, and directions for new innovative business and technology.
The conference will include a highly selective technical program consisting of submitted papers, a small set of invited papers on important and timely topics from well-known leaders in the field, and poster session of work in progress.
Focused workshops and panel discussions will be held on emerging topics to allow for a lively exchange of ideas. International business and government leaders will be invited to share their perspectives, and will complement the technical program.
- Abstract Submissions (Hard Deadline) : August 29, 2015 at 11:59pm EST
- Paper Submission (Hard Deadline) : September 5, 2015 at 11:59pm EST
- Notification of acceptance : October 20, 2015
- Camera ready submission : November 24, 2015
- Date of conference : January 5 - 9, 2016
- Conference Homepage http://www.comsnets.org/
- Keynote/Plenary/Banquet Talks
- Technical Paper and Poster Sessions
- Co-located Workshops
- Graduate Research Forum
- Panel Discussions
- Demos and Exhibits
(Includes but NOT LIMITED TO)
5G and wireless broadband networks
Technologies for 6-100 GHz spectrum
Heterogeneous networks (HetNets)
Cognitive radio and white-space networking
Economics of networks and systems
Energy-efficient communications & networking
Cloud computing
Enterprise, data center, and storage-area networks
Internet architecture and protocols, Internet science and emergent behavior
Mobility and location management
Mobile sensing
Traffic analysis and engineering
Internet of Things (IoT)
Information/Content centric networks (ICN)
Network management and operations
Network security and privacy
Trusted computing
Network science
Online social networks
Overlay communications, content distribution
Wireless adhoc and sensor networks
Systems and networks for smarter energy and sustainability
Vehicular communications
Smart Grid communications and networking
General Co-Chairs:
Ishwardutt Parulkar, CISCO, India
Sumit Roy, UWash, USA
Technical Program Chairs:
Niloy Ganguly, IIT Kharagpur
Teng Joon Lim, NUS, Singapore
Narayan Mandayam, Rutgers, USA
Steering Committee Co-Chairs:
Uday Desai, IIT Hyderabad, India
Giridhar Mandyam, Qualcomm, USA
Rajeev Shorey, TCS Innovation Labs
G. Venkatesh, SASKEN, India
International Advisory Board:
Tulika Pandey, DEITY, GoI, India
Zartash Afzal Uzmi, LUMS, Pakistan
Prashant Pillai, University of Bradford, UK
Dah Ming Chiu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Panel Co-Chairs:
Ravindranath Kokku, IBM Research, Bangalore, India
Gaurav Sharma, University of Rochester, USA
Poster Co-Chairs:
Chandramani Singh, IISc, Bangalore, India
Rijurekha Sen, MPI-SWS, Germany
Workshop Chair:
Koushik Kar, RPI, USA
Publications Chair:
Baek-Young Choi, UMKC, USA
Graduate Forum Co-Chairs:
Pradipta De, SUNY, Korea
Vinayak Naik, IIIT Delhi, India
Travel Grants Chair:
Vijay Gabale, Infilect Technologies
Demos and Exhibits Co-Chairs:
Mohit Kumar, Flipkart, Bangalore, India
Kuldeep Yadav, Xerox, Bangalore, India
Web Chair:
Ananda Krishna, NIIT University, India
Publicity Co-Chairs:
Joydeep Chandra, IIT Patna, India
Aveek Dutta, Princeton University, USA
Nitin Maslekar, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany
Sponsorship Co-Chairs:
Sudipta Maitra, New Delhi, India
Rajeev Shorey, TCS Innovation Labs
Local Arrangements Chair:
Sudipta Maitra, New Delhi, India
Registration Co-Chairs:
Chandrika Sridhar, IISc Bangalore, India
Rajeshwari Maitra, Godfrey Phillips, India
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/