-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: The First Student Workshop at ACM MobiSys, SMS 2021, Virtual (Deadline extended to June 04) Datum: Sat, 29 May 2021 14:09:07 -0400 Von: ACM MobiSys Student Workshop sms.mobisys@GMAIL.COM Antwort an: ACM MobiSys Student Workshop sms.mobisys@GMAIL.COM An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
================================================================================= The First Students in MobiSys Workshop (SMS) http://www.people.vcu.edu/~barahoueipash/SMS/SMS.html In Conjunction with ACM MobiSys 2021 Date: TBD =================================================================================
The SMS Workshop provides a unique venue for graduate students around the world to present, discuss, and exchange ideas on cross-cutting research on mobile wireless networks. As its name suggests, the workshop is organized by students, and the technical sessions are given by student presenters. Submissions must be first-authored by a student. The workshop aims at fostering early-career development among students and exposing them to the workings of academic life. It provides a venue for students to learn about each others’ work and discover opportunities for collaboration. *Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:*
- Experience with mobile applications, networks, and systems - Innovative mobile, mobile sensing, and mobile crowdsourcing applications - Tools for building and measuring mobile systems - Innovative wearable or mobile devices - Novel software architectures for mobile devices and mobile computing - Data management for mobile applications - Infrastructure support for mobile computing - System-level energy management for mobile devices - Operating systems for mobile devices - Support for mobile social networking and the mobile web - Security and privacy in mobile systems - Resource-efficient machine learning and AI for mobile devices - Systems for location and context sensing and awareness - Mobile computing support for pervasive computing Vehicular and mobile robotic systems - Systems and networking support for virtual or augmented reality - Applications of mobile systems in health, sustainability, and smart cities - Satellites Communication and networks - Architectures, protocols, and algorithms in mobile network - Measurements of mobile and network ecosystems - Mobile data science & analysis - Sensing using mobile phones, wearables, robots, quad-copters, crowd-sourcing etc - Operating system and middle-ware support for mobile computing and networking - Modeling, measurement and simulation of mobile networks - Applications of machine learning to mobile/wireless research - Mobile web, video, AR/VR/Immersive reality, and other applications - User interfaces, experience, and usability for mobile applications and systems - Data management for mobile and wireless systems
The workshop invites students to submit papers, posters, and demos through the following hotcrp link: https://sms2021.hotcrp.com/. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by the student TPC. *We encourage students with a paper, poster, or demo at ACM MobiSys main conference to present their work at SMS, as well.* Please contact the TPC co-chairs at sms.mobisys@gmail.com for any queries. Workshop Organizers -------------------------- - Steering Co-Chairs . Aruna Balasubramanian, Stony Brook University, USA . Ana Aguiar, University of Porto, Portugal
- Workshop Co-Chairs . Hannaneh Barahouei. Pasandi, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA . Mallesham Dasari, Stony Brook University, USA . Hadi Amirpour, University of Klagenfurt, Austria
Important Dates --------------------
- Submission Deadline: June 04, 2021 - Acceptance Notifications: June 08, 2021 - Camera Ready Deadline: June 11, 2021
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/