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Von: "M. Can Vuran" <>
Datum: 17. Juni 2011 18:53:19 MESZ
Betreff: [Tccc] Special Issue on "Applications of Cognitive Radio Networks", IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine

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Special Issue of IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine on



The term Cognitive Radio (CR), originally coined in the late 90s,
envisaged a radio able to be aware of its operational environment so
that it can dynamically and autonomously adjust its radio operating
parameters accordingly to adapt to the different situations. Cognition
is achieved through the so-called cognitive cycle, consisting in the
observation of the environment, the orientation and planning that leads
to making the appropriate decisions pursuing specific operation goals,
and finally the actuation over the environment. Decisions on the other
hand can be reinforced by learning procedures based on the analysis of
prior observations and on the corresponding results of prior actuations.
More than a decade after the CR concept was born researchers all over
the world have devoted significant efforts to address different
technical challenges of CR Networks, mainly covering fundamental
problems associated with the cognitive procedures as well as technology
enablers of CR concepts. Research has also focused on the potential
offered by CR networks for bringing Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) to
reality, thanks to the ability to identify spatial and temporal spectrum
gaps not occupied by primary users, and to place secondary/unlicensed
transmissions within such spaces. Based on all these foundations, the
objective of this special issue is to address CR networks from an
application-oriented perspective, contributing to the exploitation of CR
concepts and associated techniques driving them towards practical
applications and scenarios of use. In this context, this special issue
targets the identification, development and assessment of novel as well
as existing applications exploiting the CR concept.


This special issue looks for tutorial-nature papers that reflect the
state-of-the-art and recent advances in the applications of Cognitive
Radio networks. We solicit papers covering a variety of applications
that include, but are not limited to, the following subjects:

• TV white spaces

• Opportunistic CR networking

• Cognitive Radio for emergency and public safety applications

• Cognitive Radio applied to Vehicular Communications

• Operator-controlled/assisted CR networks

• Novel applications of CR networks

In the framework of the above applications, elements that can be covered

• Testbeds, demonstrations and real-life deployment experiences of CR
networks applications

• Regulatory aspects

• Business models

• Standardization

• Architectures to support CR networks applications

• QoS provisioning for CR networks applications

• Security issues

Papers should be of tutorial nature and contain state-of-the-art
research and development materials. Authors must follow the IEEE
Vehicular Technology Magazine guidelines regarding the manuscript
format. Articles should be about 3000 words long, with 5 to 10 figures
and 10 to 15 references. The use of mathematical equations should be
limited a maximum of 3. For further information, please refer to IEEE
Vehicular Technology Magazine website at . All papers should be submitted
online using Trackchair:


Manuscript Submission Due: 15th September 2011

First notification: 30th November 2011

Manuscript revision due: 31st December 2011

Final acceptance notification: 31st January 2012

Final Manuscript Due: 1st March 2012

Publication: June 2012

Associate Editor

Jordi Perez-Romero, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain,

Guest Editor

Linda Doyle, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland,

Guest Editor

Mehmet Can Vuran, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA,

M. Can Vuran, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor
Cyber-Physical Networking Laboratory
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0115

Office: 107 Schorr Center
Phone: (402) 472-5019
Fax: (402) 472-7767

IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications
(TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication.